I am sitting in my living room and I can see a dog taking a huge shit outside. LOL And the owner is actually picking it up. Kudos.
I'm going to Toronto after work on Friday with Rachel. We're seeing Rocky Horror Picture Show live. A friend is playing Brad Rogers in it, which is exciting. I didn't really want to go Friday, but I'm not the driver. Chris and I were going to see Bohemian Rhapsody on Friday after work, but we can reschedule. I'm excited to see Rocky Horror, but not excited about Toronto. That city is stressful, and overcrowded. Granted, I live in a city, but it feels like a small town where everyone knows each other. It's a cozy waterfront city. Toronto is a dramatic city, with too many flashing lights, and poor drivers.
It's a windy day today. My hair will be a gongshow by the time I get to work later. I hope it's quiet tonight. I'm tired, and I just want to relax. I am not motivated to work. People keep making stupid mistakes at work, and it's always up to me to correct it. As it is, I don't have very much to write about.
Today is a tired day for me. My skin is itchy as well. Sometimes my medication doesn't fully do what it's supposed to do. And I suppose I make it difficult because I have a penchant for hot showers. Hot is not my friend, ever. The resulting hives are painful, itchy, and always in places that are either embarrassing or very visible. But then again, my yoga pants give me hives too. If I wanted to survive without a reaction, I'd have to be naked and cold. Not really appealing for me. Let's hear it for autoimmune diseases! Yay chronically ill!!