It will be four years together on the 24th of this month. And it'll mark two years until we get married on the same day. Yeah, it's a long engagement, but the date was too perfect not to pick. Also, weddings can get costly and I want to be able to pay for the day I want. I'm only doing it once so I want to make it a good one. Lol That said, the wedding isn't what I'm excited about; I'm excited to be married to my best friend, and spend the rest of our lives together. That's our adventure. The wedding will just be the declaration.
I'm going to lunch with one of my bridesmaids today. Went to lunch with one of the others last week. It's a trend, except the maid of honour lives in Toronto sooooo that wont happen in the near future. It's a bummer. Oh well. Why is she my maid of honour you ask? Because I've known her almost thirty years. We've known each other all but the first six years of our lives. We can go long periods of time between seeing each other and it wont matter. We speak the same hippy dippy flower child language. We were both raised on farms where hippies ran the joint. We're sisters from different misters. We can have conversations without words, just expressions.
Hold onto that childhood friend, people. The memories, the adventures, the connections....they are all worth it. Geography can't keep you apart.