Oh sweet hell. I have managed to hurt my right knee. So I got on the bus from the mall back toward downtown today. As I got to an empty seat, my knee decided it should kiss one of the many metal poles on the bus. Yeah. Do you have any idea how difficult it was not to drop several f-bombs? So now I am sitting on the couch with my knee elevated and have just now popped two T1s into my system. Not that they will do anything but make me sleep. Can't have any NSAIDs, Tiffany, your face wil blow up like a balloon. Fuck you, autoimmune disease.
Forgive me, I am cranky due to my throbbing knee. God damn it. Here's hoping I can walk tomorrow. Chris has a show in Ottawa, and it's also our anniversary. Hurrah. Stupid knee. Stupid bus. Stupid metal pole.