Work was pretty chill today. I had to solve many a mystery. I got most of them figured out. The weather prevented a lot of people from going out, and that really helped us catch up on just things we've been too busy to do. I sorted through my paperwork, making sense of the mess. Sometimes it just backs up and grows. It's like a living entity sometimes. One moment it's just a few bits of work, and the the next it's everywhere.
When I got home from work I cleaned up the kitchen a bit, the bathroom and the living room. We've sort of not been home to stay on top of things. Chris is in the middle of writing the new album and has been making trips to Ottawa to record guitar. On my days off I've been doing photo shoots to get practice. Needless to say, our housework has been a little lacking. We also haven't had many days to just ourselves. We've been taking more time to do that, though. It's important in any healthy relationship. We're both pretty good about letting the other known whether or not we feel like we're neglecting our relationship, so it's not a big worry. And unless one of us is working early, we talk in bed before sleep. We lay in the dark, cuddling, and just talking before we drift off. We're kind of disgusitng. I love us. We tell each other everything, no matter how small, or how big. We're able to disagree without getting angry. It's just as simple as telling the other we don't agree, and it's okay.
We're a silly pair, sharing puns and dad jokes on a daily basis. We share our interests with the other and listen even if we aren't wholly into it. We can't all like the same things. We both enjoy Star Wars, but different aspects of it. We both enjoy reading, but the subject matter is almost always different. Except for the Star Wars adventures; we both read those. Lol I'm feeling mushy today.