I have been spending less time online lately and more time reading. Some days I'm not sure finding out that a library was only a four mile bike ride away last March was a good thing LOL. I have over 40 books checked out right now, several of them I have renewed more than once because I keep picking up new ones every time we go to turn in the ones I've finished. Fortunately I can usually read a book in 2 to 3 days depending on how long it is and how interested I am in the story.
Currently I have books checked out from several series that I've read at least once before along with a few new ones that looked interesting.
One that caught my attention most recently is a trilogy by Celia Dart-Thornton. I have read the first two books called The Ill-Made Mute and The Lady of Sorrows. I will be reading the third book The Battle of Evernight eventually. I have a few other books that need to be read first because I've had them checked out longer.
Anyway back to this trilogy. Ms. Thornton has taken old Welsh and other Celtic myths and turned them into an interesting fantasy series that hooks you from the very beginning. I've always been fascinated by old Faery Tales and the new twist she has put on them make them come alive on the page. I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a good Faery Tale that doesn't always have a completely happy ending.
Obviously I'm not a professional book reviewer LOL. I often find it hard to describe exactly what makes a certain series a good read. I pretty much know what I like and recommend them on that alone.
I'm also pretty much rambling today because I felt like writing but can't really focus on what I'm writing. Tune in tomorrow when I might have something to say that makes more sense |