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DarkKitsune's Diary
by DarkKitsune

previous entry: Some People Don't Deserve Second Chances

next entry: Just My Luck *Sigh*

It's Been A While---Now Time to Rant


I didn't really have time to update this diary much during the holidays. My husband and I had a lot of stuff going on plus I just really didn't have much to write. Today I am in an extremely foul mood but I will attempt to write this without the use of cursing since I'm pretty sure there are some words I'd like to use that violate Bloop's rules.

First a short lead in to this rant. In 1996 my grandmother passed away. She set up her will so that my sister, mother and I only got the interest on it until my mother turned 65. So a week after Christmas I got the money that she left me and I started making plans to buy a car since we have been without one for many years. And here comes the rant....

Yesterday I spent $5545 on a car and last night on the way to pick my husband up from work the Check Engine light came on. I have no clue what's going on with it and since I bought the car "As Is" there is nothing the dealership I bought it from is going to do about it. My mother told me that Auto Zone will run a free diagnostic on it so I'm taking it there this afternoon when my husband gets off. I just hope they aren't going to tell me something truly major is wrong with the car that's going to cost me more than the car is worth. This just really sucks that I didn't even have the car 24 hours before there was an issue with it. So much for asking them to show me the Carfax. They did show it to me and it was clean with no major issues. Right now I just want to crawl in a hole and scream till I can't scream any more.

To top it off. My mother called today to check on me and I heard my oldest nephew in the background saying "Ha! Ha! She bought a lemon". Ugh if I could have reached through the phone and slapped him I would have. This is a 25 year old with Bi-Polar disorder and a crack addiction and yet he has the NERVE to look down on me....I think I'm done for now before I end up cursing when I said I wouldn't.

previous entry: Some People Don't Deserve Second Chances

next entry: Just My Luck *Sigh*

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I'm not an expert on cars but I know sometimes when the check engine light is on it means the O2 sensor needs to be replaced.

[Tam I AmStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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