Hey everyone I am totally stalking "survey this". That is my whole reason for being on Bloop Diary.
That's also who I took this survey from.
1] What color eyes does your cat have?: Sometimes they look green, and sometimes they look gold.
2] What's the drinking age where you live?: 19
3] What color are the controllers on the last game console you played on?: White. I was playing my brother's Wii.
4] Do you like to make the first move?: No
5] Where are the pets in your house right now?: I don't know where Marlow is. He's off being his unpleasant self somewhere.
6] Did you and a friend ever go after the same person?: Not at the same time.
7] Favorite color of leopard print?: Leopard-coloured.
8] When was the last time you had really weird weather?: We have been getting shit on by snow for the last month. At one point we had almost a metre of it, and we even got off lighter than a lot of cities near us.
9] What's your Facebook URL?: Not telling.
10] Do you know what "mp3" stands for?: Actually no I don't. I've never thought about that before.
11] What's your favorite flavor for a smoothie?: Kiwi
12] What's your cellphone ringtone?: I don't want to sayyyy, because Chaz will make fun of me.
13] Do you watch movies/shows with subtitles?: Sometimes
14] Is your best friend fluent in another language? Which one?: He can curse fluently in Italian LOL, but he's not fluent otherwise.
15] How old is the last person you kissed?: 28
16] Ever kissed someone over eighteen?: Well yes. I'm 24.
17] Over twenty?: Yes.
18] Over twenty-five?: Gah obviously! I just said the last guy I kissed is 28.
19] Would you date someone ten years older than you?: I don't know. I think that might be a little weird.
20] What color hair does your father have naturally?: Grey. It was blonde when he was young though.
21] Where do you go to have lunch at your school/work?: I'm not in school, although when I was I usually ate at home since I was in university. And I don't have a job, which sucks and I am depressed about.
22] Ever did sexual favors for money?: No
23] What color is the nearest lampshade?: Light blue
24] Did you ever take something from someone's curb that they left out for big garbage?: Yess, I am the master of roadside shopping. I've left stuff out before too that people have taken.
25] How much water did you drink today?: A glass of it in the morning
26] What color was the last pair of gloves you wore?: White and black because they are mittens that are also zebras!
27] Worst poem you ever read?: Except for Coleridge, i despise the English Romantics. I had to take a yearlong course on them a few years ago and it was painful. And people think Shakespeare is dense...
28] Do you think Megan Fox is attractive?: Not even slightly. i think it's her skin; it does not look healthy. She's going to look like an alligator by the time she's 40. <---Yess, exactly.
29] Are you a virgin?: Yes
30] ^-- Are you proud of your answer for that?: No, I want to get laid LOL. I'm just not desperate enough to sleep with whoever comes along.
31] Do you have a "secret Xanga"?: What is a xanga?
32] Do you like chicken salad?: Yep
33] When did it last thunderstorm by you?: I don't know but we have had some snowstorms recently.
34] Does your work place have a lot of windows?: I don't have a job right now.
35] Has the electricity ever gone out when you were at school?: No
36] Ever kissed a dog and have it lick your face in return?: Yes
37] Do you buy a lot of toys for your pet?: Yeah I spoil the crap out of Marlow and he still hates me. He hates everyone but my mom.
38] Last movie you saw in theaters? How was it?: Ummm, I don't even remember.
39] Do you ever color tint your photos?: No
40] What's the last thing you wrote?: On paper, a note to my mom.
41] Where does your pet normally sleep?: With my mom and stepdad
42] Anything strange happen at work today?: No I don't have a damn job.
43] Would you ever consider dying the underside of your hair blonde?: Eww, no.
44] What's the next color you plan on dying your hair?: I want to dye it red again but I'm looking for a professional job so it's going to need to stay black.
45] Do you listen to T.A.T.U.?: Are they even around anymore?
46] Last person to disappoint you?: Alida
47] Why did you stop liking the last person you liked?: Because I do stupid stuff like that to myself. I have this inability to get close to people. Even if I really really like someone once we start doing the whole couple thing I start finding little faults I can magnify until I'm not longer interested. I don't know. I'll be alone forever LOL
48] Favorite app on Facebook?: I don't use any.
49] Do you like the song "The Truth Behind the Rose" by Within Temptation?: It's okay.
50] Name one person you're subscribed to on YouTube.: No one. I don't have an account. |