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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: In your eyes is a place worth remembering.

next entry: Another short one

A short one


Would you rather name your child Michelle or Monica? Wow, I really dislike both of those names. I'm going to name my daughter Charlotte, but thanks for your suggestions.

Do you know anyone who works at McDonald's? Do they like working there? Not anymore but in high school I had friends that worked there.

Is it warm out enough to go out in a T-shirt where you live? Ohhh no. Well I'm not actually where I live right now, but it's -16 with the windchill, and the sun is going down right now.

Would you rather be able to teleport or be invisible? Teleport

If someone offered you a million dollars to move to the opposite end of the earth, would you? Why or why not? Somewhere in Asia? I don't think so. I would love to visit, but it might be too much culture shock for me.

What do you do when you have an itch you can't itch? I find a way.

What is your mom's and dad's favorite TV show? My stepdad likes stuff like NCIS or Criminal Minds. My mom likes the Weather Network and the news haha. Well I guess she also watched The Rick Mercer Report and I'm starting to like it now too.

How did you get your hair the way it was today? I showered, blow-dried and straightened it, and then went out in the damn wind.

Have you ever felt like you lost a a part of yourself? Yes

Who is your best friend's favorite relative? His mom-in-law. She's so cute.

Would you rather marry Batman or Superman? Batman. Hello, vast riches?

Have you ever suspected your mom or dad of having an affair? My father did have one. That's why my parents are divorced.

Do you think buying second hand clothes is gross? Um, no. Don't you own a washing machine? Can't you clean them before you wear them?

When's the last time you wished your day would just be over already? Yesterday.

Does it gross you out when your parents kiss? No, but they never give each other more than pecks in front of us.

Do you have a playlist made on Youtube? No

Do you like dollar stores? Yes! I miss working at Dollarama.

What's the last thing you bought from one? I'm not even sure. I go on a semi-regular basis with a list.

Are your eyes hazel? No

Do you know anyone with hazel eyes? Yes

Who has the biggest ego you know? I'm not saying because that's mean Someone did immediately come to mind though LOL

Do you think it's weird how babies are made? A little.

Has the last person you hugged ever seen you in only underwear? Yes

Have you seen The Strangers? No

previous entry: In your eyes is a place worth remembering.

next entry: Another short one

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