1. Amazingly new questions, you down?
I am so down.
2. Whose bed were you last on?
I'm sitting on mine right now.
3. Is your room ever clean?
It's usually clean, just kind of cluttered.
4. Who was your last text from?
5. Who did you last give a real hug to?
My mom
6. What color shirt were you wearing for your last kiss and when was it?
I don't even remember. That was more than a year ago.
7. Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with?
Dawn (sister)
8. Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them?
No, not usually. I don't confront them either though, I try to act normal.
9. Last night, you felt?
10. Who was the last person you texted?
11. Did you hold hands with someone of the opposite sex today?
12. Do you ever get good morning texts?
13. More attractive: kisses out of nowhere, or when you know?
When I know, because out of nowhere tends to mean from drunk losers.
14. Do you laugh at inappropriate times?
15. When is the next time you will hang out with someone?
I don't know. I'm stuck living back with my mom and stepdad after four years on my own so I don't have many friends here. Everyone I know since high school is up north.
16. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Not from a romantic relationship.
17. Do you hate the last person who called you?
My grandpa? No!
18. Does the chair you're sitting on have arm rests?
I'm sitting/lying on my bed.
19. Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Yeah if I really wanted to think of one.
20. First person to speak to you in 2010?
Whoever I was talking to when New Years came in. It was probably Sherry or Ashley or someone like that.
21. Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater?
22. When did you last drop your phone?
A few days ago
23. How many people do you trust one hundred percent?
24. Have you told anybody you loved them today and meant it?
25. Do you know who your real friends are?
Yes. I've had to learn that the hard way recently.
26. Would you change your eye color to blue?
My eyes are already blue.
27. What woke you up this morning?
My annoying little brother.
28. Do you remember who you liked on new years?
Yess, and he'd just got a girlfriend.
29. What are you excited for?
New Years if I manage to get to Hamilton for it!
30. Do you prefer to text or talk on the phone?
It depends. I don't want to sit and have like an hour long conversation through text we could have done in two minutes on the phone.
31. What's one makeup item you cannot live without?
32. Who was the last person you thought about before falling asleep?
I don't remember.
33. Who do you miss right now?
Everyone. I feel really isolated here.
34. How many text messages are in your inbox?
I don't know. My phone doesn't tell me a number and I'm not counting.
35. Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships?
There is someone I'd like to try things with again, but we would have to communicate with one another a whole lot better. He's probably not interested in me anymore anyway.
36. Do you listen to the radio often?
My mom always has this classical station on in the house but I don't listen to any myself.
37. Are you enjoying your life right now?
Ugh no, I feel so stagnant.
38. Who has always been there for you?
My older sis. Well ever since high school anyway. We had epic battles until I was about 14 LOL
39. What's the last thing you said to someone out loud?
I don't remember. I am hiding out in my room today.
40. Did you wake up when you were supposed to this morning?
There wasn't a time I needed to wake up. I got up at 10:30.
41. Are you adopted?
42. Have you ever given someone the, "It's not you, it's me." break up line?
43. What was your last thought?
I've never broken up with someone LOL
44. Who was the last person you made plans with?
45. Would you date someone who didn't want to have sex until they were married?
Probably not. I wouldn't want to get married and find out I had a dud in the sack.
46. Is there anyone that can just look at you & know exactly what you're thinking?
47. What is one trait you could not put up with in another person?
Stupidity. Sorry but I require a certain level of intelligence to be able to talk to you LOL
48. What summer was the best of your entire lifetime?
I don't know.
49. If your friend asked you to hold their drugs, would you?
It would depend on the drug, and if I could have any while I was holding.
50. What's been the best thing that happened today?
I got high with my sister. It's just funny because she used to be so against all that stuff until she went away to university. Now she's a drinker and a smoker.
51. Does anyone call you baby?
52. What's on your mind?
I am hungry.
53. Do you want someone back in your life?
Yes, all the people I live so far from now.
54. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone & what did you talk about?
My grandpa. He was just telling me that he was coming by in a few minutes.
55. Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a J, V, M, P, C or D?
56. What are you planning on doing after this?
I'm going to go the Mohawk College website and look into the insurance program they offer.
57. Are you happy?
I'm not unhappy.
58. Who is the last person you physically hit?
I don't know. I don't hit people.
59. Someone phones you at 3:00 AM; who do you expect it to be?
I would not expect anyone at that time, but my closest guess would be a drunk Marie.
60. What brings out the worst in you?
61. Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
Yes, I'm paranoid.
62. Is there someone you used to talk to every day but don't anymore?
63. In December were you in a relationship?
64. Plans for Friday?
Hopefully I'm going to Hamilton to celebrate with friends, but only if we don't get another snowstorm that leaves me stranded here.
65. Are you comfortable with your height?
66. Are you the youngest person living in your house?
No, I have a two-year-old half-sister.
67. Next time you will kiss someone?
I don't know.
68. Is there a specific moment you can replay in your head perfectly?
There are lots of course.
69. Do you lick your lips?
70. Do you have a best friend?
71. What are you looking forward to right now?
New Years
72. Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
No that's okay.
73. Do you think you'll make a good husband/wife?
I don't know. I'd rather make a good girlfriend first.
74. Do you have trust issues?
Sort of
75. When is the last time you saw number #1 on your top?
76. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
77. Do your parents have Facebook accounts?
No thankfully
78. So where's the person you like?
He's probably at home.
79. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
Yup, one extremely drunken night.
80. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
I do right now.
81. If you are being extremely quiet what does that mean?
It could mean many different things.
82. How many tattoos would you get?
I have two and want many more.
83. Can money buy happiness?
I bet it could help mine a lot.
84. Do you hate the last girl you were texting?
No. Why would i text someone I hate?
85. Are you probably going to get hurt anytime soon?
Probably. I'm klutzy.
86. Do people often judge you?
The idiots who judge by the way people look.
87. What do you currently hear right now?
The TV downstairs and the tapping of my keys. I've been watching South Park on DVD but keep forgetting to change the episode when one ends.
88. Do you drink enough water?
89. How do you usually wear your hair?
Lots of different ways. If I have the patiences to straighten it I'll wear it long. I also do French braids a lot, and messy buns. Right now it's in a crimpy ponytail because my hair was in French braids all day yesterday.
90. How do you feel about your hair right now?
I like it
91. Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
92. Could you cry right now?
93. Be honest, do you miss anyone?
94. Are you forgiving?
95. Don't you just love those text messages that just make your day?
Noo, I hate things that make my day
96. Are you liking how you look today?
97. How many drugs have you done today?
I've smoked weed.
98. Are you wearing any jewelry?
My earrings and piercings and a necklace.
99. When was the last time you had a haircut?
I've been cutting my own bangs lately. It's been a long time since I've had a professional trim and I need one.
100. Look to your left, what catches your eye?
My computer chair
101. What was the highlight of your week?
102. Whose car were you in last?
My own
103. Is your phone right next to you, or at least close?
It's in my purse which is downstairs.
104. Do any of your friends dislike each other?
105. Are you in a good mood?
I'm in an okay one.
106. Were you single on your last birthday?
107. How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
108. Does anyone know your Myspace password?
109. Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?
Yes, she's my little sister.
110. Honestly, are you dating 2 people?
Wouldn't that be nice. I'm not dating any.
111. Have you ever slept in the same bed with any of your friends?
112. Without saying names, what could you say about the last person you kissed?
He's a really nice guy, but we wanted different things. I wanted a relationship, and he wanted to sit on the couch and make out like we were in high school.
113. Do you think things will change in the next few months?
I sure hope so. I hope I get a job.
114. Something you really want right now?
115. Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
117. How was last night?
It was fine. Boring.
118. What time did you go to bed last night?
I think around 1 am.
119. Where did you sleep?
In my bed.
120. Will you regret your next kiss?
I don't know.