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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk
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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: For our 12-year anniversary: My horse!

next entry: Wow it's been a while.



Hey guys. I don't expect you to read this all the way through because this is an online game I play, and it will be uninteresting to anyone who doesn't play it. I was just so excited to find a survey about "my ponies" as I call them (online horse game) that I can't help myself.

Most General :

how many days have you been registered?

what is your ranking today?
3921st. Go me! The only reason it isn't higher is because I won't buy more horses than I can take care of just to improve my ranking, so I try not to get above 50 horses at any time.

how many karma points do you have?

how many congratulations do you have?

what is your equestrian center's name?
Silvercreek Acres. That's what it's been since i was 12 and was playing SIM games hosted on free internet sites...I wonder if those even exist anymore. I made some pretty cool horsey friend on those back in the day.

what riding level have you reached?
I've reached the top one, but there are no levels anymore! That pisses me off. Now it's just seniority to access new parts of the game, not at all based on your horse knowledge.

what is your job (level)?
I'm a horse riding instructor, because I'm doing it in my own stable.

how much equus do you have at present?
473 243. That's right, I am one rich bitch! Haha.

how many horses do you own at present?
49, but one of my foals is for sale right now.

what breed do you breed the most?
I have Arabians mostly, but I've also been focusing on Shetlands, and I have several Paints.

have you bought passes before?
Yes. I spend too much money on them.

which obejctive are you on right now?
69, 67, and 81. I probably won't achieve the two in the 60s because that's not an aspect of the game I'm into. 81 is based on days I've been registered, so I'm just waiting to get to 291 days to pass that objective.

what is your time & the game time?
Meh, who even cares?

Continuing onto your game :

Is there one howrse thats very special to you?
There are actually quite a few. Treason is my current favourite, because he is the best champion that I have bred myself from my own stock. Kivrin is my Shetland champ bred from my own stock (although she is still in training), and Isis is my highest-GP horse who has just started her training. She will be Grand Prix material when I'm finished with her, so I've got a soft spot for her. I could go on with others, but I think those are my current top 3.

do you breed for fun or take part in the gp race?
Both, sort of, if that makes sense. I no longer have any horses under 800GP and will not breed my horses unless they are 100 BLUP. So most of my horses now are in the 900s when first born - very good quality, but I don't have enough funds (in equus or in real dollars) to try to be one of the top breeders. My horses do very well though, and I am happy with that.

how many breeding farms do you have?
Four. Two for my main breeds: Fleetwood Arabians and Sable Mountain Shetlands. Then I have one called Splashbacks and Snowflakes which are my Paints and Appaloosas. I kept the original Other Horses tab for the horses of random breeds that I also have.

what are they sorted by?

what is your favourtie affix of yours?
I actually only have one, which is "ƒleetωood Δrabians". I'm not breeding Shetlands extensively enough yet to attach an affix to my foals.

how many howrses do you have up for sale?
One, Flora. She is one of my Shetland foals.

about how many howrses do take care of per day?
It really depends on the day. Sometimes I don't even get on Howrse, sometimes I take care of 1 or 2 just so I can get my salary, sometimes I will do upwards of 20.

which was the last one you took care of?
Flora, the little filly I just put up for sale.

do you own a divine?
No and seriously, I hate divines! They require no work to sweep all the competitions and kick down the morale of other horses for not placing first in a competition. I don't want one, and I really think Howrse should get rid of them. Your horses should succeed because of the work you put into them, not because you got lucky or you're willing to sink more real money than is strictly healthy into a game like this in order to get a divine.

do you own a special?
No, and the same reasoning as above applies.

do you own a unicorn?
Yes, I have one I'm going to breed shortly to try to achieve the objective of "Breed a unicorn". Then I'll sell her when I get one because I frankly think they are a waste of money and energy.

do you own an elemental coat or splint boot howrse?
No, but I would love an elemental coat.

do you own a set of twins?
I've had several, but I've always sold at least one. I don't need two of the exact same horse.

do you have more then one pegasus?

do you have howrses with golden or diamond apple coats?
Yeah, I have a few. Mostly my favourites, those with high skills. Treason has a retired coat now, and a pretty rare one, so his worth is only going to go up from here because of it. Not that I'd ever sell him; he's my favourite.

do your horses have alot of black market items?
Some of them do. I don't make a habit of it, but I tend to acquire them through various means. There are a few (Treason, Isis, Accolade) that I have concentrated them upon, but otherwise, most only have 1-2.

what is the most useful blackmarket item to you?
I like Chronos' Timer best, but I use it sparingly because of its cost.

do you still have your first howrse?
Yes. Her name is Ripley, and she's one of my dressage champs.

are your horses mostly purebred or crossbred?
Purebred. I only buy crossbred males, and then I geld them to improve their performance. I don't like to dilute a breed line.

what was the last competition you took part it?
I don't remember. I entered a ton with Idylwyld, who will be my next horse to achieve 100 BLUP (only 4 more wins).

which was the last foal you produced?
Flora, who is currently for sale. She's a purebred Shetland.

the last howrse you bought?
Isis, my highest-GP horse.

the last howrse you sold?
Seren. She reached 30, so she became a pass horse and I sold her for 58 000.

the last black market item you puchased?
Nyx Pack for Isis

About your Equestrian Center:

the inspiriation for the name was?
I'm not sure where I got it actually, I've just been using Silvercreek Acres since I was about 12 in various horse SIM games.

what is the prestige & ranking?
Prestige is 59.62 and ranking is 3,899.

what type & how many boxes are there?
There are 37 boxes, and their sizes vary.

what is the minimum skill level to enter?
300. I've decided to keep it low because it is a high-quality centre and I want it to be available to young horses of high quality who don't yet have the skills to get into the top centres. That's why my ranking is so low...I won't jack the skills up just for the sake of prestige. I've had trouble finding quality centres for quality horses who just aren't old enough to get into the best centres, so I'm trying to combat that with my own centre. Seems to be working too...the stalls are always full and people are always asking to extend the stay of their horses.

what is the price?
15e per day.

what is the price & skill gain of your lessons?
50e for the lessons. I can't quite remember the skill gain, but it's decent.

how many carrots do you have in stock?
16,294 for 37 horses. No way I'm going to run out any time soon haha.

how many helth mashes do have?
128. Next spring, I'm going to start growing stuff to make more.

are there any pets?
Pets don't exist anymore dude! That was one thing I was so angry about losing...I worked so hard and paid so much for all my rabbits (every single stall had one - more of my committment to high quality with my centre) and we were barely even recompensed when they were cut out of the game.

how many howrses & available boxes are there?
37 horses, 0 available boxes. Like I said, my boxes fill very quickly and almost everyone asks for extensions.

is your e.c private?
No, but I do have 4 stalls reserved for my own horses, and I rotate which ones I keep in there.

how many meadows do you have for pasture?
18, all varying between 3-15 acres each, and all of them at maximum fertility.

are you growing anything at present?
Yes, turnips in my greenhouse and apples in my apple orchard.

what rating is the quality of the resident howrses?
Who cares? I'm really not into prestige. I play because I have fun doing it.

which is your best running competition?
My Dressage event. It's called "The Fancy Penguin" (because I'm just that awesome) and it runs every day, which is as often as possible.


your opinion on karma and its effect?
I like it, honestly. If I see someone with more than 100 days seniority and only 1 karma point, I know to never deal with them.

your opinion on the safe haven?
It's sad so many horses end up there, but I go pet one every day and usually the rewards are good.

your opinion on the gp race?
I think it's a little sad that people will spend hundreds of dollars just to be ranked below 1000. I mean, I've been a member less than 300 days and I'm in the 3000s just by hard work. I don't need to prove I'm superior just because I have more money than some players.

your opinion on 0 gp breeding?
I don't get it. At all.

your opinion on passes & pass puchasing?
I buy them occasionally, and I'm tired of people whining how they can't buy passes so they should be getting breaks. It is not free to run a website like this, it is not cheap AT ALL to run an interactive website with more than 3,000,000 worldwide players, and if you aren't going to give any money to it, you should not expect to be doing as well as the breeders who do support the support monetarily.

your opinion on availability on divine howrses?
I've already said I don't like divines, and we should leave it there. Not saying it out of jealousy because I don't want one either; I actually don't like them and don't want one of my own.

your opinion on trading black market items?
I love how available it has become lately. It's one of the recent changes I've liked. Now you know you aren't going to get screwed by the other player.

your opinion on affixes?
People go overboard with them. I only put them on my high-GP Arabians I am genuinely proud to have bred, and most of them I still own myself.

your opinion on howrse in general?
It's so much fun. I love playing it. Since I can't ride my own horse anymore, this gives me the showing, riding experience vicariously I can't get in real life.

previous entry: For our 12-year anniversary: My horse!

next entry: Wow it's been a while.

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