Where is the boy you want most?
I don't want a boy, 'kay?
Where will you be 2 hours from now?
Studying. Ugh. My exam is tomorrow so all I will be doing today is studying.
How old is the last person you kissed?
I believe he is 26.
Who was the last person of the opposite sex to text you?
Can you make yourself sneeze?
No, but why would i want to? <--Yeah, that's a good question. I sneeze constantly anyways. I'm allergic to everything, but mostly our cat.
What is your current mood?
Bored as fuck. I just can't take any more studying at this minute.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Writing my exam at 9:30, which usually takes about 2 1/2 hours. Then my mom and I are going to check out this all-inclusive gym nearby, because my dad keeps asking me what I want for Christmas and I have no idea what to tell him except maybe a few months at a gym. And there's a pool there, so my mom wants to get him a few months because he's more likely to use the pool than anything else. Annnd, that's pretty much it. I've spent the last week hardcore studying so I want to spend the day doing NOTHING once my exam is done.
Who was the last person to sleep in your bed besides yourself?
I have no idea.
Do you think you would make a good boyfriend/girlfriend?
I'm not sure. I'm a generous and loving person, but I also need lots of alone time, and am not really into a lot of the physical stuff he/she would expect from me. I'm okay with being single right now.
Where were you at 9am this morning?
Sleeping in bed.
Whose bedroom were you in last?
Regan's (my little sister). We went and picked out a pet bunny for her last night, so I was checking up on him. He is so cute and tiny, but she gave him the unfortunate name of Patches. *sigh* Thirteen-year-olds.
Why do you feel the way you feel?
Because I am so damn sick of studying. That's probably also why I have a headache.
Who was the last person you yelled at?
Not sure. I haven't fought with anyone in a long time.
What does your last text message in your inbox say?
"It'll be okay, I just need to sleep it off. Too bad I can't sleep." Poor boy. I am worried about him.
What are you listening to right now?
Nuffink. My mom has a classical station on in the main part of the house, but I'm in the study just taking a quick break. This isn't my computer so there isn't any music I like on it.
How has the week been?
We're only two days into it but it's been okay.
Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't?
Who'd you last kiss?
Do you sleep with the TV on?
No, that would keep me awake.
Are you too forgiving?
Nope, I can hold a grudge like no one's business.
Where are your parents right now?
My dad is at a business meeting, and my mom should be on her way back from tutoring. My biological father is probably at work.
Who do you miss?
All of my friends in Hamilton.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
Are you single?
What are you stressed out about?
Chaz's answers to this survey are stressing me out, actually. They're scary.
But I'm not really stressed about anything. I think I am prepared for my exam, so I'm not too worried, although sometimes it seems like they write questions that try to trick you or come out of left field with something that makes me think "huh? I swear I never read about that". Not sure why they do that. None of my university profs ever threw curve balls in their exams.
How many windows are open on your computer?
Four, but this is the only window that I have used. The rest are my mom's.
In the past week have you gotten sick?
In the past week have you gotten a hair cut?
No but I need one soon.
How many myspace profiles have you had?
Who was your last call from?
My dad just called to say he was going to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Usually he doesn't start that until the 23rd.
When was the last time you drove?
I went to the store last night.
What do you do with most of your time?
Play with my ratty, play Howrse, read, watch TV, do schoolwork, hang out with the two sisters that still live here...stuff like that. Nothing very interesting.
How many clothes do you have in your closet?
Lotsssss and guess what! Today I'm wearing a shirt I haven't been able to wear in such a long time. I'm finally visibly starting to lose weight. My "fat" pants (a size up from my normal size) are starting to get pretty loose on me.
On a scale of 1-10 how good is life?
It would be so much better if I could get a job and move out and be an adult again.
Are you straight?
I'm bi.
Do you think you'll be a good mother/father?
No. I don't like children. |