Did you stand on your tippy-toes when you had your last kiss?
No, we were sitting down.
The last person kissed? Did his/her name start with A,J,L,M,R,S,V,Z?
Nope. C
Where are you at?
At the kitchen table. For some reason I feel like I have less distraction here when I'm working on my course.
Do you like anyone?
Who was the last person to call you?
Name four things you did today:
Watched Family Feud, checked on my howrses (it's an online game I am addicted to), answered the review questions for week five in my course, and now I am typing this while my mom watches Steven and Chris. We have an open-concept house, so I am also forced to see it while I sit here.
What does the clock say?
2:30 pm
What do you hear right now?
My keys as I type and some girl on Steven and Chris talking about healthy food substitutions.
When was the last time you cried?
I don't know.
Are you on the phone?
No. I wouldn't be rude enough to take a survey when I was talking to someone.
What woke you up last night?
Wellll, Dawn and I got drunk last night, so thirst woke me up a few times. Oh and also my rat running around in his cage once. He is noisy at night.
Are you texting anyone right now?
Do you have shoes on?
Not in my house.
Waiting for anything?
For Dawn to come home so I can use the car. I have to go to the pharmacy to get two prescriptions refilled.
When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
Saturday night. Although weirdly enough I feel like Dawn (my lil sis) is becoming a really good friend. Probably because we're both stuck living here and neither of us want to be haha.
Who was the first person you talked to today?
My mom.
What are you thinking about right now?
The amount of money I'm going to have to pay for those prescriptions. I really miss being covered by my mom's plan...
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I hope not. I do that when I'm drunk though, stupid me.
Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren't seriously involved with?
Would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back?
I hope not.
Where did you last fall asleep other than your bed?
Emily's futon.
Are you close to your siblings?
I'm pretty close to Dawn. Marie and I get along way better than we did when we were teenagers. My two half-sisters kinda annoy me but they're at that age. My step-brothers I get along with but we aren't close.
Your ex says they never even liked you, you say?
"Oh my god are you still thinking about that? I haven't thought about you in years."
Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to?
Who did you see last shirtless?
Brennin. He has no qualms walking around half-naked haha. Well not like he has any reason to.
Who would you do anything for?
Most of my family and some of my friends.
Do you like to hold hands?
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
Not since high school.
You have to get a piercing, what do you get?
Who is going to force me to get a piercing? I'm happy with the number I have.
What was the most memorable thing that happened this summer?
Umm...weird awkwardness with Craig? LOL. That's been going on a few years now.
Have you ever walked on the beach?
What's the best part about being single?
You can do anything you want without being responsible to anyone else.
Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday?
Do you enjoy wearing dresses?
Have you ever gone out with anyone older than you?
The one person I have officially dated was the same age as me.
What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
LOL Chaz, you answer made me laugh aloud. Yes, you were drinking whisky sours.
I had wine last night.
Do you think you will ever be married?
I don't know.
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
I think everyone has.
Is it possible to be single and happy?
Yes. Most of the time I am.
Are you jealous of someone right now?
Why did you last cry?
I don't remember.
Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
Have you known any of your friends for most of your life?
I've known Heather since grade 1 and Kera since grade 2. They're the only people I knew from way back when that I might still consider a friend.
Anything happen to you within the past month that has made you really angry?
No, not really.
Do you remember who you liked on New Year's?
I kissed Craig at midnight
Do you like hugs or do you freak out when people hug you?
I love hugs, but not from creepy people.
What's something you really want right now, be honest?
To lose about five pounds off my belly.
Last person you had a deep conversation with?
Chaz and Emily
Missing someone you shouldn't be?
Do you have nice eyes?
I like them.
Where will you be 12 hours from now?
Sleeping in my bed.
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
I doubt it.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?
Do you love someone at this point?
My friends and family. I'm not in love with anyone though.