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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk
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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: Firsts and randoms

next entry: Procrastination.

I miss riding so much


I know I keep doing horse surveys, but right now I want nothing more than to tack up a horse and go for a good gallop. I wish my boy was five years younger so I could still ride him I was just searching horses for sale in Ontario just to exacerbate my unfullfillable wish even more.
It made me sad.

+Litte About You+
Name: Caitlin
Nickname: Caitlin. Only my sisters and my mom can get away with calling me Caity.
Gender: Boobs.
Age: 24
Height: 5'1"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Right/Left: Handed? Right.

+Riding Experience In General+
Years Riding: I started when I was 5 and rode continuously until I was 19. I've ridden Duke once or twice since then, but he's 25 and retired now, and I don't have another horse to ride.

Where At: Averyhill, then the new Averyhill when the boarding barn and lessons/summer camp barn split into two locations, and now I'm at Prima Farms which is way better than the Averyhills.

Do You Like It There: Averyhill was populated by your typical rich bitchy girls and I can to despise it. My coach was the richest bitchiest girl of them all I realized as I got older. I love Prima Farms. It's primarily a breeding farm (although there are lots of boarders) so you don't get teenage girls except for the daughters of the owner, and they're super laidback and down-to-earth (and spoil Duke like crazy).

Instructor: My first coach was Tammy when I was a novice, but as I got more experienced and began showing I moved on to Amy, whom I rode with until I was 18. Now I don't have one.

Friends There: In my early teens years I was friends with most of the other young horse-owners/leasers at Averyhill...Laura, Lauren, the other Lauren, Melissa, Amy, Mike, Camille, Torrie, Becky, Meghan, so on, so on. I don't really have friends at Prima but the girls are friendly enough.

Level Of Riding: Experienced but I would be rusty after so many years. I would want one or two supervised lessons to refresh me before I started riding regularly again; there are just a few simple things I can't quite remember, like if the correct posting diagonal is inner shoulder being back or forwards, and asking for flying changes, etc.

Lessons: Not anymore.

Do You Pay: I pay for my horse's board...

How Much: None of your business!

How Often A Week Do You Ride: I don't

Do You Work There: No. I've offered if they need someone because they do occasionally hire temporary grooms.

What Are You Training In: I showed in Hunter, Hack, and Equitation.

Have You Done Shows: Yes.

How Many: Plenty. I showed for about five years.

Won First Place: Yup yup.

How Many Times: Not sure. I have all my show ribbons stored in the closet, but it's been a while since I looked at them. I was the anal girl who actually filled out the back (name of the class, date, and name of the horse I won on) which I'm now grateful for. Brings back good memories when I look through them Especially the only first I managed to score with one of my own horses.

+The Horse(s)+
Name: Duke!

Gender: Gelding

Breed: Morab

Color: Red chestnut

Training: All flat work, jumping up to 3 feet. He could go on trails when he didn't feel like flipping out, but it wasn't often that he didn't feel like overreacting to different situations.

Attiude: Very saucy and intelligent. Extremely personably. Benign leader of the other horses in his field.

Spooks: Hah. Yeah. Dummy.

At What: Whatever the hell he feels like. It depends on the day

Favorite Treat: Candy canes, but he will eat basically anything you give him.

+This Or That+
Chaps Vs Breeches: I own both, but I wear breeches more often. I find chaps get too hot.

Helment Vs None: Helmet. I still have the helmet I had when I was 16 and Secret tossed me into a wall. There is a massive dent in it where the plastic inside splintered because of the force of impact. I would like to show that to anyone who thinks they should go jumping without a helmet.

Gloves Vs None: None unless it's winter.

Saddle Vs None: Depends on the horse. Duke is half Arabian so he's really bony and I prefer a saddle. I love riding big fat ponies without saddles though.

Stirrups Vs None: Yes please.

Bit Vs None: I haven't had a horse with a calm enough temperament to ride without a bit. I'd prefer to if it was a possibility.

Spurs Vs None: None.

Crop/Whip Vs None: I needed a crop with Duke, but just for an occasional tap when he got lazy on me.

Paddock Boots Vs Riding Boots: If by "riding" you mean the tall field boots, then I prefer paddock boots.

Indoor Arena Vs Outdoor Arena: Outdoor

Trails Vs Arena: Duke gets stupid on trails so I prefer arena with him, but with calmer horses I love trail riding.

Jumps Vs Barrels: Jumps

Dressage Vs Cross Country: Cross-country

Jumping Vs Endurance: Jumping

Pony Vs Horse: Love both but because of my age I can't show ponies anymore, so I wouldn't buy one if I get another horse.

previous entry: Firsts and randoms

next entry: Procrastination.

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Duke must be the only creature on this planet that is more neurotic than i am.

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