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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: My bestie

next entry: Long survgay

Randoms from Chazface


Do you like Rihanna? No I sure don't.

Have you ever experienced hydroplaning? Never seriously but my wheels have caught on the water on the road before. I feel my heart leap into my throat for half a second every time.

What's your opinion on the legalization of weed? Oh just do it already.

Are you PMSing? No. I don't PMS. By which I mean even if I feel like crap I don't take it out on other people

What's your current favorite song? I don't know.

Are you single? Yes

If yes, are you looking? Hmm...kind of. I don't care that much though.

Have you ever done shrumes? Do you mean shrooms? I have.

What's the weather like where you are? Cold cold cold, I am sick of winter.

Have you ever hit a girl? Yes, but she hit me first.

What was your new years resolution? Lose weight. So far, I'm going in the other direction LOL

Do you smoke? Not cigarettes.

Do you find Eminem attractive? Not really. He was 10 years ago.

previous entry: My bestie

next entry: Long survgay

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Deftones is in May apparently but tickets are sold out. i think Samm is going to try to get them online, so let her know soon if you want in.

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The idea of hydroplaning scares the hell outta me!

Catholicism has always baffled me. I don't understand how religion is supposed to be about love, but there is so much fear and hatred in so many Catholics I've known. Like every religion, there are extremists and others are perfectly cool.

Yay, bi pride! I'm bi, too. Much more straight than lesbian are far as the ratio, but I have my lesbian side for sure.

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