Have you seen A Very Potter Musical/Sequel? Like Harry Potter? I've never heard of that. Sounds interesting.
Should you be doing something more productive than this survey? Yup. I should be cleaning my room.
Do you watch Glee? No. I don't watch very much TV.
What was the last movie you watched? Red. It was pretty funny.
Have you ever done something you know you should regret, but don't? Yess.
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? A puffin! They're so cute. Oh, and a koala.
Three words that describe you: Caitlin Ann Shaw
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Neither.
What's a song you can sing ALL of the words to and not mess up? Like thousands of them?
Do you have to have a blanket covering you, no matter how hot it is? Yes.
What's your dream job? I'd love to work with animals in some way, but my degree says that's not going to happen. So my backup is some low-stress office job with high pay. LOL, that probably won't happen either.
If you aren't in it now, do you want to go to college? I graduated from university last spring. I do miss it a little, but not enough to go to grad school.
Does bad grammar annoy you? Yes
Do you participate in Meat Free Monday? I used to participate in Meat Free Every Day Of The Week, but then I moved back home. My step-dad won't eat a meal without meat in it. Pretty sure that's where I'm gaining most of my weight.
If you had a daughter, what would you name her? Charlotte
What about if you had a son? Kaedin (which is pronounced, Ky-den, not Kay-den)
What is the first letter of your first name? C
Darren Criss is a cutie, isn't he? Who?
Which decade would you like to have lived in? I think growing up in the 90's suited me.
Do you still dress-up for Halloween, or do you hand out candy? I usually dress up and go to a party.
Do you play any sports? No
Are you a procrastinator? I'm so bad about that. Four years getting a high-stress degree did nothing to cure me of it either. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to get all my essays in on time.
Have you ever lied to get out of doing something you didn't want to do? Oh yeah. Who hasn't?
Does the opposite sex confuse you? No. I think I confuse them though.
Do you play the Sims? No. I tried it once a few years ago and just didn't get it. It was boring.
Can you play any instruments? If so, how long have you been playing? I played piano for about 10 years but then we moved and sold the piano. And I played flute for about four years. I miss it sometimes, but I can't play it with a lip ring anyway.
Do you think 'den' names are overrated? (Kaiden, Jayden, Aiden.) I just said I'm naming my son Kaedin I've loved that name since the first time I read Tristan and Isolde and had never heard it used anywhere until a few years ago. I hate when things I like become so mainstream. Hopefully when/if I have kids that name will have gone out of fashion.
Have you ever had a song on repeat for so long you got tired of it? Yes I do that a lot.
Have you ever said 'I love you' and didn't mean it? No.
What's your favourite type of weather? How it is right now. Feels like spring is on the way, even though I know it isn't.
Do you still have any of the toys you played with as a child? Yeah. Dawn and I busted out our dinosaurs recently LOL. My nephew likes to play with them.
Do you like cupcakes or muffins better? Muffins
Can you sing the alphabet backwards without messing up? I doubt it.
Is it just me, or are you really tired of seeing a bunch of pictures on Xanga with all of these pot heads blowing smoke? Nope? I don't care if people smoke pot or not. Sure wish I had some to smoke right now.
Are you the type of person who gets straight to the point? Haha no, I ramble until I forget what I was originally talking about
What was the last thing you said in complete caps? THIS SENTENCE RIGHT HERE, YO.
Do you enjoy playing board games? I like some.
Are there any movies you are wanting to see? Yes I have a whole list somewhere. I've just misplaced it.
Did you wear anything new today? No.
Would you ever have a calendar in your car? No. Why would I need one?
What was the last song you sang along to? Marilyn Manson, Disposable Teens. Listening to it right now.
Are you a fan of the band Taking Back Sunday? No
Do you ever eavesdrop on people's conversations? Yeah. I try not to, but it's hard when people are talking around you
Aside from waking up, what was the first thing you did this morning? Moaned and complained to myself and went back to sleep.
Are you good at playing Hide and Go Seek? I don't know. I haven't played in a long time.
Do you live in an apartment or a house? House. I miss my apartment
Is there a music artist that never ceases to amaze you? Yup
At what time do you normally go to bed? Whenever I feel like it
How many words do you type per minute? I don't know. Lots.
How many states are between the state you live in and Florida? I don't live in a state. Why do surveys always assume I'm American? That's annoying.
Do you sneak in candy/soda when you go to the movies? Yeah
Where are your favorite pair of jeans from? Well I got them at Value Village. The brand name is Dollhouse and I don't know what store that is.
Silly string or confetti? Silly string! I love that stuff.
What month is your best friend's birthday in? July
On a scale of 1 to 10, how tired are you right now? 8, but it's really just overtired.
Nachos or tacos? Depends on my mood.
Does it take you more or less than an hour to get ready for the day? If I shower and blowdry/straighten my hair, it takes 1 hour 15 minutes. If I don't shower I can be ready in 30 minutes.
Would you rather use tape or glue? It depends.
Will you get your hair cut anytime soon? I need to get my bangs trimmed but aside from that I'm going to wait until spring and then cut it short.
Orange or purple? Purple