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Twilight to Starlight
by dawn to dusk

previous entry: Whoa dude, it's a survey.

next entry: 30 Questions!

"Yeah, you guys are real hardcore."


"You bet your goshdarn rear end we are!"

When you were younger, did you ever forge/fake your parents signature on anything to do with school (letters, sick notes, etc)?
I sure did. That's how I got away with skipping in high school.

If you were paid, would you let a film crew put cameras in your house for a month (24/7) in order to make a documentary about your family life?
Fuck no.

Have your parents ever threatened to throw your things away because your room was messy?
No, how terrible. I got yelled at and shit, but that's all.

When you were younger, did they get annoyed with you for spending all your time playing computer games instead of going out, or did you prefer to be outdoors?
Actually when I was a kid I didn't spend very much time ever on the computer or watching TV or playing video games or any of that. I played with myself a lot, or my sisters, or with friends. My two best friends lived next door to me and across the street (and down 1) from me.

What's your favourite type of television show? (eg. Mystery, drama, crime, reality TV etc.)

Is there any one food you constantly find yourself craving?
A&W, but that's because we get fucking coupons in the mail like once a week! Then I just want Teen Burgers and onion rings.

If someone paid you a thousand dollars, would you give up the internet for six months?
Fuck that.

What kind of things did your parents do to punish you as a kid? (time out, grounding, spankings, etc.)
Chaz your answer made me sad
I got grounded and I was spanked a few times, but I was never a bad kid. We knew our boundaries and never really wanted to go outside of them. Our parents were pretty lenient without being negligent, so we never felt like they were keeping us from doing stuff we wanted to do.

What do you do if you struggle to get to sleep at night?
Usually I turn on my bedside lamp and read for a little while. Sometimes I will watch TV or get up and turn on my computer if I really can't sleep.

Is there a specific time of day when you tend to take surveys, or is it just whenever you feel like it?
Nah, I just take them whenever.

Do you prefer Family Guy or the Simpsons? Why?
The Simpsons, because they're better!

If you go out alone (to the store or something), do you always take your iPod/mp3 player so you can have music on?
Yes always. Although I always turn it off when I get into the store, because I find it SO rude when people wander around playing music too loud to hear anyone else. Especially going through cash. When I worked cash at Dollarama, that was my biggest pet peeve ever. Like, how much effort does it take to show the minimum amount of courtesy to another human being? I don't know sign language, stupid.

Are you one of those people who are constantly checking their phone even though it's sat right next to you and clearly hasn't gone off?
No. If you do that you need to get a life.

If you're underage and smoke or drink, do your parents know about it? And do they approve?
I'm not underage so my parents are fine with me drinking. I'm pretty sure they knew Kristie (my best friend in high school) and I drank all the time at our house on weekends and just ignored it because we were responsible. Smoking cigarettes they fucking freaked out about but I only did that for a year....and smoking weed, they pretend they don't know I sit and do that in my room haha. I know that they must, but I'm an adult and they respect that.

Have you ever done one of your own piercings yourself?

What would your parents say if you came home with a tattoo tomorrow?
Oh, man. I have two, and it always goes like this: my mom shakes her head like she's all disappointed because I've turned out to be an absolutely horrible daughter who graduated high school with honours, graduated university with honours, and has never given her a moment of trouble.....and my stepdad goes into a fucking rage and then won't talk to me for like three days, and will make passive aggressive comments about them ever after. *rolls eyes* Sometimes they are just so borgeouis. What would you rather, that your mature daughter with a university degree got a tattoo, or your crack addict daughter had her third kid from a third father? Like, really. A tattoo is not the end of the world.

Are you scared of flying?
A little bit. I hate the turbulence.

Do you ever read the paper/watch the news, or do you just not care?
My mom watches the news every night so sometimes I watch with her, but the only news I actually care about is Canadian politics. I've been watching a lot of news the last few days because the current government was just found in contempt of Parliament and we're having an election soon.

If you could internship anywhere (paid) for one summer, where would you work? How come?
I don't care, just give me a damn job!

Do you get that Sunday night feeling where you dread going to school/college the next day?
I did sometimes when I was in high school. I enjoyed university though and never minded going to class.

What's the longest time you've ever spent in front of the computer doing surveys?
Like...maybe an hour at the most?

Have you ever tried to get high off something unconventional?
Hahaha yeah I have this vivid memory from ninth grade of Kristie and I smoking a bunch of spices from my cupboard in the hopes one would get us high. By the way, nutmeg does not get you high, no matter what they say.

Have you ever spent the whole day in bed doing nothing "just because"?
Not the whole day because if I'm in bed or in pajamas too long I start to feel dirty. But I've stayed in bed till like 3pm before.

Is there anything you *have* to buy when you go to the grocery store?
Sure. I buy the things I have on my list.

Do your parents get mad at you for listening to your music at full blast?
I did that a lot when I was a teenager but I was in my room with my door closed, so they never said anything to me. If they came to talk to me I turned it down. I don't do it now because my rattyface would not appreciate loud music.

Is your neighbourhood noisy at night or is it fairly quiet?
It's very quiet around here. I live on the last street before the country starts. All I see from my bedroom window is a cornfield. Welllll....right now all I see is mud, but it's a cornfield in the summer.

What's the worst thing you've ever seen happen from your bedroom window/house?
Someone beating his dog with a broom. You better believe my stepdad ran right the fuck out there and threatened the motherfucker. Then we called the SPCA. I was like 10, and it was one of the most horrible things I've ever seen.

Do you have a fast metabolism or do you put on weight fairly easily?
I'm sort of in between. I'm starting to look like a big fat pear-shaped biatch, but that's because I drink too much and haven't worked out in a few weeks.

Is eating healthy important to you?
Yes. My mom and i are making a big effort right now because my stepdad is having a lot of health problems and really needs to lose we're really pushing for healthy stuff and lots of vegetarian meals. Also, we both want to lose weight

What's the most random thing you've ever taken a photo of? Care to share it?
I usually only take pictures of my friends' and my drunken escapades, and my pets.

Do you have anything exciting planned for the next week?
Welllll I have an interview for a temporary government job which is awesome because it means I might finally have some money, but that's it. It doesn't start until May anyway though.

Does your phone have one of those "stylus" pens, like those that come with a DS?
Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Are your parents early risers or do they sleep in? What about you?
My mom gets up really early because she was a teacher for so many decades (she retired last year) that she never sleeps past 8. My stepdad gets up when she gets up, so he doesn't sleep in either. He usually takes a nap in the evening though, usually snoring like a wildebeast in front of the TV.

What are your plans for your next birthday?
I don't know. That's in November.

What color are the walls in your bedroom? Did you get the choice?
They are hunter green and yes I chose it when I was 12.

Assuming you have siblings, do they have the same coloured eyes as you?
Nope, actually I'm the only blue-eyed one out of all the full, half, and step.

Where do you go when you want new music?

Do you ever eat ice-cream out of the tub?
Yuck, no.

What do you usually do on Facebook?
Answer my comments and junk. I only go there when prompted to by my Facebook emails. I don't care much about Facebook. I only like it because it makes event-planning easier.

Have you ever regretted hooking up with someone?

What time is? Is this around the time you usually do surveys?
LOL, what time is. Is 12:11 am. I don't have a time that I do surveys at.

What song are you listening to currently? Where did you first hear this song?
I'm listening to the previews before the first season 7 South Park DVD. I heard it the first time when I bought this season.

Are you flexible?

What kind of drunk are you? (Sloppy, slutty, flirty, etc...)
I get really social and happy and physical.

Have you ever experimented with someone of the same sex?

What is something you eat every day?
Well my medication if you count swallowing them with water as eating. It does go to my stomach.

Do you read Postsecret every Sunday?

Were you ever obsessed with Fall Out Boy?

What are your opinions on abortion?
I am pro-choice

Did you enjoy your last kiss?
Yesssss, but I don't know if there will be another one.

If you got a brand new car, what color would you choose?

Is it safe to walk around your neighbourhood alone at night?
Yes I wouldn't feel unsafe.

Which print is better, zebra or leopard?

Where/when do you listen to your iPod the most?
When I'm walking somewhere.

Is your skin naturally oily, or dry? Or neither?
It isn't either.

Do you take your camera everywhere you go?
No I always forget it.

How long have you been in your current relationship? Or how long have you been single?
I've been single a LONG fucking time.

How many profile pictures do you have on Facebook?
I dunno like 10 maybe?

Are you wearing any rings? Do any mean anything to you?
I didn't put any on today.

Have anything to say about Rihanna?
I don't think she's hot! Sorry, but I don't.

When you have a day totally to yourself, what do you generally end up doing?
Most of my days are to myself. That's what happens when you're unemployed and useless.

Is there a sport/hobby you keep thinking about taking up, but that you've never quite gotten around to starting?
I really want to start playing piano again. We don't have one anymore though.

Would you ever shoplift anything the cost more than $10?

If you're religious, does hearing people using your religion to justify hatred/discrimination ever put you off believing?
I'm not.

What's your opinion on people who need to talk to their partners 24/7?
It pisses me off.

How do you react if you're at a friend's house, and they start arguing with their parents?
I don't think I've ever been in that situation.

Do you have any favourite stand-up comedians?

Would you ever want to follow down the career path of your parents?
Definitely nope.

Do people always assume that you like something because your parents are interested in it, too?
Who would ever assume that? How weird.

Do you think pranks like egging/toilet-papering someones house are funny or immature?

Do you think "sleeve tattoos" are a good idea?
The only one I've ever seen that I liked was Sherlane's because it's all Alice in Wonderland.

If you have any tattoos, do you reckon you might regret them when you get older and have children?
I don't think so. They represent my personality very well.

Does it bug you if your friends are constantly texting when you're hanging out with them?
I hate that!

How often would you say you eat fast food?
Not often at all.

Do you prefer salty or sweet popcorn?
Buttery and salty.

Would you say you were an awkward person?
Oh very.

Is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? What?
We rarely argue anymore.

How often do you get to see your best friend(s)?
Like once a month since we live so far away. I hate it.

Do you ever actually read the "Terms and services" when you sign up for websites and such?
I have before. Or scanned it at least.

Did you ever have pen-pals when you were younger? Maybe you still have some now?
Yes. I don't now though.

Do you watch your television on an actual TV, or do you tend to watch more of it online?
About equal.

If you have a handheld games console (a DS or gameboy, for example), how often do you use it?
I had the orignal big grey block Nintendo Gameboy, and I don't use it.

Do you enjoy plane journeys, if you've ever been on one?
No they make me so anxious.

previous entry: Whoa dude, it's a survey.

next entry: 30 Questions!

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Yay, South Park! Haha. That is South Park, right, with the Christian metal band?

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