Just One Of Those Days....
RYC: Well your employer certainly can't fire you for failing to wear your seatbelt if they didn't provide you with one to wear in the first place!! Unless of course it's been busted a long time and you never made anyone aware.
Having been a police officer before, I can see why the officer ticketed you. Even if the seatbelt is broken, it's still a violation. It's like writing someone a repair order / ticket for a broken taillight. The intention of doing such is to correct the issue/behavior. And ultimately that's the cop's job, to issue traffic citations to get people to change their driving habits.
Sucks though that your employer has you driving an unsafe vehicle. 
[My Kids' Dad]
Just One Of Those Days....
RYC: I've had a minister explain the Triangle theory to me as well. And of course it makes total sense. In reality, the closer we grow to God, the closer we'll be with everyone. Because the further we move away from God, the closer we get to ourselves (this is selfish). And the more selfish and enclosed within ourselves we get, the harder it'll be to become close with others.
Bummer about your seatbelt ticket! I suppose you drive a company vehicle, or your job requires you to drive, in which case your boss might see your ticket as a liability for them. 
Good luck! Hopefully they'll warn you and you'll keep your job.
God Bless
[Hannah's Dad]
So they have only been together for a month, got married, and she's knocked up? Hmmm... That does sound fishy lol
Have a 1 on 1 talk with your brother, and look for a place to move out to!
I think girls get overly insecure sometimes, and they ask questions like that because their insecurities take over and make them imagine the worst they could.
I try not to be like that with my boyfriend because if the tables were turned...I wouldn't want him to be asking me that 24/7 either. Actually, I think we're a good fit in that way. We know we love each other and if we talk to other people, we know that nothing is behind it other than friendly conversation.
I get what you mean about being single though...especially after a relationship where you felt smothered, it's nice to not have to worry about anyone but yourself. Enjoy the freedom. 
[tumbling;echo xx ]
What To Do?
Just be honest, in a nice and respectful way. Let her know she's wonderful but it's just not what you're looking for. It's gonna suck no matter what, so at least by being honest, you're doing something right.
What To Do?
RYC: Haha my mom has said that to me before: 'Everyone else on the road is an IDIOT.' I think I was just too concerned with all the other bits, such as checking my mirrors, getting the gears right, getting the correct lane at a roundabout... oh well, onwards and upwards!
[Lady Acid Fairy]
My Heaven, Your Hell

Fake People
RYC: Thanks. I think he might still be holding on the only way he knows how...be refusing me. I just want it done so I can move on with the next part of my life. As for the girl...I am who I am...I cannot change that. I grew up differently, my troubles are different. My life is on a whole different track than hers. Thanks for your comment 
Fake People
One time a guy told me that my smile always looked fake. I just liked smiling a lot, because I liked my life and most of the people I was around. People wear masks for protection from other people. While it sucks, I'm kinda glad that the people that dislike me are still polite to me. Hmm. Thanks for giving me some food for thought =)