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Dead_Silence's Diary
by Dead_Silence
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Dead_Silence's Diary
by Dead_Silence

previous entry: What To Do?

next entry: Nosey People



Love can take many forms. Love for family. Love for a sport, or an activity such as painting or writing literature. A love for film making. Love possesses many forms just like sides to a diamond. You shine the light from a different angle and you see another side.

I have spun the diamond around slowly trying to find a love, a love of a person without relation. They aren't trust worthy, They aren't real, nor faithfull. They all seem like they are reading from a movie script with the "Awe I miss you". Very predictable, very boring....very fake. I'm growing bored with the people around me, no excitement, no fun, no laughter. I find myself uncomfortable in my own skin when I'm around "friends". That's not typical. It's like I'm a caged animal just waiting to escape, but escape what? and where to?.

previous entry: What To Do?

next entry: Nosey People

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