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by &DearKrystle.
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by &DearKrystle.

previous entry: [Seventeen] Life and love

next entry: [Nineteen]



&DearKrystle.Day 1: So on wednesday i took the 4:57 train to kent. while i was waiting for the train in puyallup this kid started to talk to me. he looked like he might be a little slow. he was talking to me about him getting in fights. i was just walking back and forth on the yellow line waiting and talking with this kid.i look up and on the other side of the fence is this guy. a good looking guy. then the train comes. and im on the wrong side of the track!!! i so ask the guy if thats the train to kent he said yeah and i had to book ass around the other side to get on the train before it left me. which it almost did. that would had sucked. but i got on it fine. and that guy that was on the other side of the track looking at me got on after me. he came up and started to talk to me. he was CUUUTE!! we talked the whole time we were on the train. he is 26. it crossed my mind to ask for his number while we were on the train, but i decided other wise. and i already told him i was on my way to see my boyfriend... (Even tho joe isnt my boyfriend). but its cool i dont like to swing more than one guy at a time. we get off the train and i look around, joe was supposed to be meeting me at the station.. and go figure... he wasnt there. so me and this guy walked talked somemore. i gave him a cigg, then we parted on our ways.

i call joe to ask him where he is and he said that he was still at home. he was trying to find socks. by the time joe got ouside to come meet me i was already walking up to his house. but its cool. it didn't even bother me. i knew that was going to happen.

when i got there there were so many people over at the house. a little while later joe kicked them all out and said it was roommate day and lady friend day, joe and i hung out. we ordered Chinese food and watched movies with his roommates. it was nice..

i didn't kiss him all night either, not until right after the first movie. like 6 hours later. it was fun i like making him a little frustrated.

i stayed the night because there wasn't a bus or train that runs late back to Puyallup.

joe messed up his back the other day. and i massaged it for him but then we had sex and he pulled something. so i gave him another massage, but he is in so much pain that there isnt really anything i am able to do for him. i just feel so bad that he is in so much pain.

so the next morning, he wakes me up at like 6 am. and we do it again. then pass back out.

then wake up later around 11.

Day 2:

joe takes a shower. i have a smoke. hang out with chase and everyone. smoke some budds. joe comes out feeling better after the hot water on his back. we all chill play some halo. it was fun.

beth got off work at 4:30 she was taking the 5:13 train. we are watching a movie in the meantime while she is on the train.

she told me that she was going to walk there so didnt have to meet her. i get a call from her she is lost in kent, and soaking wet.

so Joe, chase, red eyes and i all walk to go and meet her. she comes over and we order pizza and watch some movies.

the first movie ended, and the pizza still wasnt there. so joe and i go into his room to look for another movie. we got side tracted in there and were talking about his ex girlfriend.. i asked him if i have to worrie about her at all? or about her randomly showing up. and he said no. she shouldnt be anymore. well while we were in there i herd a car. so i was like.. "Oh, the pizza must be here" so we get up to go get it. well we open the door and joe goes out first. he pretty much freezes in his step. i walk around him and there is a girl standing in the way. i didnt think anything of it at first, because i have never seen this girl before, so i just smile and keep walking. then she walks right into Joe's room.. thats when it clicked... i asked everyone who was that girl. and they were all like "Sara, Joes ex"....

i just thought it was so funny. i start cracking up. she was just there to pick up the last of her small things.

i sat on the couch with everyone during the time she was there and smoked budds.

she left, and joe closes the door. and the first thing i say to him after that... was...

"The Irony"

he was like "Cha No shit..."

i found that situation so grand. we were just talking about her and he said no she would never randomly show up.. and the next thing we know.. there she is.. hahaha. its great.

so we plugged in a movie, and the pizza got there. we watched two more movies, then beth and i had to go.

well i missed all the busses and trains back to puyallup again, so i took the bus back to seattle with beth.

and now im sitting in her bed at her house doing nothing.

i drew Joe a picture

i cant wait to give it to him..

he just texted me and his next day off is wednesday so thats when we are hanging out again

previous entry: [Seventeen] Life and love

next entry: [Nineteen]

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i like it..its a big change..but i was getting tired of the tangled up shit lol.

[.VampireღLove.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

yeah it goin to end up dying ti black to make it more emo.

[.VampireღLove.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

my hair isnt light brown..its naturally dark brown but i have it as brown black..that was the name of the dye but its been months since ive dyed it..and it looks good on me. but yeah when i do..dye it black ill post it.

[.VampireღLove.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Yup.. well my hair past couple years takes forever to grow lol.i need to take a picture of the back of it.

[.VampireღLove.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

im fixin to post the picture of the back on the same entry.

[.VampireღLove.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

wow that is extreme irony!

[Nuriko|0 likes] [|reply]

That sounded like a pretty good day to me.
RYC: Thanks for the vote. I don't really pay any attention to Readers Choice. I just write my entry and leave.

[grungepappy|0 likes] [|reply]

i know aint it. Just today at the my shotgun team won today and now were going to state i knw it sounds weird for a girl to shoot guns but its fun

[Hannah F.|0 likes] [|reply]

Thank you so much i read a few of your entries there cool

[Hannah F.|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: you've been added to the switch list.

[Jane Austen B.C.|0 likes] [|reply]

what a flattering train ride!that's kind of weird that his ex came over and they had alone time in his room??do they even do RC anymore?

[ganjagirlStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: [Seventeen] Life and love

next entry: [Nineteen]

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