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My diary
by soimhere

previous entry: Gamertags

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My favorite dinner foods


I thought I'd make a list here of my favorite dinner foods. I don't know why I'm listing it out, since I'm pretty sure I would always remember these! But anyway, here we go:

  • Lasagna
  • Indian food
  • McDonald's
  • Steak
  • Italian food

Lasagna is Italian food, but I've named them separately because one is an actual meal and the other is a genre of foods.

Besides these I like most other foods. There are not too many foods that I just won't eat. I've never been a picky eater. I don't really get to have these all that often, except Lasagna (if I make it) or McDonald's.

I tried to list these in order of most favorite at the top, but it's actually quite hard to say which one is better than another, since it's at least in part influenced by which one I've had most recently.

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