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My diary
by soimhere

previous entry: I need to get more sleep!

next entry: A book I enjoy reading

My go-to dinner party conversation topics


I'll group these dinner party topics in order of safety from political discussions.

This is helpful because some people relate everything to politics! For example, you could mention ToysRUs has closed in the US, and then someone will say it's Trump's fault, someone else will say it's Obama's and yet another person will blame it on the Clinton administration. In reality, the situation may have nothing to do with any of those factors. Or at the least, there are factors much more major than any political factors.

So, I like to have a go-to list of conversation topics. Most of my friends don't care one bit about politics, same as me, but you never know when someone else might go off on a political rant, so here are the topics.


Less safe

  • Documentaries
  • Non-fiction books

Least safe

  • News and current events

So basically, I think it's pretty safe to talk about most things except news and current events.

previous entry: I need to get more sleep!

next entry: A book I enjoy reading

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