Features of BloopDiary editor that I like:
Full html editor!!
Emojis, wow! So cute.
Even mathematical symbols are there if I need them. E = mc2 and all that. ¼ + ½ = ¾.
Quotation marks (like this)
Multiple languages, although it's wasted on me because I only speak English. I love that this feature is in the editor though.
Control over commenting and over reading
Features I'm not too certain about
Flash?? What is that? It's on the editor but I don't want to press the button just in case.
I evidently don't have a relationship with the system. When I look at the place where I upload pics, it says "Sorry, this feature is currently unavailable because you have yet to build a system relationship. " Feel the heartbreak (It's Ok, I don't really need to upload pics anyway). Still, sounds like the system is open to having a relationship with me in the future. It's not me, it's the system. (Or maybe it is me? More heartbreak).
There's even templates, including one called "Strange template". I will try out that one on a subsequent post when I'm feeling a bit braver.
I'm also not sure what I'd do with these checkboxes and radio buttons, but let's put them in anyway:
I love the buttons, but I'm not sure what I'd do with them:
What would I do with a TextArea field? Why would I need to put one in?
What happens when I press the button or check the box? I guess I will find out after I publish.