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Derelict Heart
by DerelictHeart

previous entry: Hey there!

next entry: Of Buddy Holly and tablet cords and soup for a week...

Theme of the Week


If you HAD to sleep with one of your exes again, which would it be and why?

I would definitely sleep with Greg Ryder. I miss him like crazy. He was the only man who made me feel like a woman and not a girl. 

He looked like Billy Corrigan of the Smashing Pumpkins in the 90's.. with hair? Like in the video for "Today".. 



Yepp. I'd definitely do him again. He wanted marry me and he bought me a ring but stupid Eleanor was not having it. Right now, she is residing in a special section of hell for alcoholic crazies.



previous entry: Hey there!

next entry: Of Buddy Holly and tablet cords and soup for a week...

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Slide into this dude's DMs, yo!

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