have been a compelte blur
i got drunk twice
smoked a lot
didn't spend one moment alone from tuesday until right freaking now. i shared my bed with my suitemates who went through hell week (they were locked out of their dorms for a week and were in the same clothes and didn't have their laptops... toothbrushes.. no beds).
everyone is breaking up with their bfs now, which i don't get since its almost summer. CJ & victoria, done, after 3.5 years. vanessa & aret done, 5 months. jane & reese done, 2.5 years. lauren & josh done, 2 years. wtf.
i kept texting nick sweet things all weekend but he took hours to respond and wasn't all that sweet back. just "i love you too". ugh. i rrealllllllllllly should talk to him about this shit but i don't want to stir up anything.
its so hard. theres adam, mike, AND vinnie who come over to visit me and meg everyday. we sit there for hours and talk. i think vinnie likes me, hes always texting me little things i said earlier in the day that he thought was funny before i go to bed. and mike is dead sexy. deepest voice ever and hes the sweetest man EVER! hes gotta gf who im SO JEALOUS OF! he writes her love letters in college, hes bringing her to see the little mermaid on broadway and taking her on a carraige ride around central park for their one year. hes so fucking cute. ugh. then adam is a cutie but hes a little goofy.
they helped meghan and i move around our dorm. its so spacious now! I LOVE IT! too bad theres only 3 weeks left...
nick needs to step his game up. i have other boys that are interested in me and he never calls me. ever. i have to tell him "i miss your voice" for him to call.
hes so stupid! ugh...
im going to show you guys picturesss
classic layouts
candid i took of nick when he was using my eye mask and pretending to sleep when i was talking to my mom on the phone. hes gets so jealous. he HATES this picture btw :] muahaha
mike and his very very lucky gf!
thatttt would be adam :p
can't forget vinnie
i was told by 3 strangers, downtown, that i looked like lady gaga hahaha THATS ME AND VANESSAAA
my roomie and i
victoria, drunk as hell. she gave that guy her first BJ ever that night. 12 hours after CJ dumped her :[ sigh. she wouldn't let me take her home
lauren me and vanessa... playing power hour
took us hours to shampoo this and 5 hours later someone stole our pretty pink princess rug! IT WAS WET! WHOD DO THAT!?
the most action i got all night
perry wasn't wearing any pants...
waiting for the bus w/laurennn :]
victoria invading my personal space
HAHAHA i found this on someone's facebook the day after meghan and i got really stoned and moved all the furniture in the common areas
vanessa, in the fountain at 2 am i nthe rain
i love albany in the warm weather
squireel from outside my windowww haha
waiting for class in the LC. ppl were playing live music outside
and a picture of my puppy on the ride to albany :P it looks like it was an exhausting ride for her hahaha |