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Incubus Attacks
by PolarB

previous entry: 10. Out-of-Body Experiences

next entry: 11. Phone Call with exorcist Bob Larson

I drew a picture. It's called "Dream Catcher."


I'm rather proud of it. It's very large, poster size, which is 18 x 14.5.

I still consider myself an amateur high school artist. Dunno. I like it, though. I entered into a contest, and I'm hoping I'll win.
I used a lot of symbolism. Let's see if you can decipher this nonsense:

The fish are a symbol of dreams or ambitions, that swim around us in little bubbles, always there but sometimes very elusive. The girl is in a nightgown (very dream-like. ooh) has a net to catch one of these fish, but she's too distracted in her own bubble bowl by the fish swimming around her. This can either symbolize the reality or lack there-of people tend to be trapped in, that keep them from seeing the big picture. They drown in their own created realities and are disillusioned from the world.

Now, there's a bubble that has all the colors of the rainbow. This represents the ideal world, and is God and life. It represents purpose and fulfills all a person's needs, that other dreams, that are only one color, do not. The fish is looking straight at her, and is floating right beside her, but she doesn't notice it. Ironically, the cat does, because animals are more in-tune with the world and God than we are, but can't reach it, because it is only an animal and can't reach complete understanding.

So, the girl represents most people in life. We're trapped in our own little bubbles even when we yearn to capture something more. It takes a lot to break the glass of this bubble.

previous entry: 10. Out-of-Body Experiences

next entry: 11. Phone Call with exorcist Bob Larson

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I've read through all of your entries. Wow. I don't have any doubt its real. I believe in God, Satan, Angels, and demons. I look forward to reading more and pray you get freed from the demon.

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

i love the picture!

[valenciaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I absolutely LOVE this picture!

[A.Classic.Disaster|0 likes] [|reply]

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