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Brady & Evan's Momma
by ;*cinderella

previous entry: I love my kids

next entry: Happy 1st Birthday Evan!!!

Emotional Wreck


Wow I feel like it has been a while. I just haven't been in a writing mood lately.
So Evan is 11 months old! I really emotional about him turning one. I just feel like this year has gone by way too fast. I have been putting off planning his birthday party. I want to cry sometimes when I am doing the planning or making the invitations. I was looking at wordings for his invitations a few weeks ago and came across this one and litereally burst into tears....

I learned to laugh and squeal, then sit and stand,
and I can walk now if you hold my hand.
But the fun has only just begun,
lookout world, I'm turning one!

How lame am I! LOL I am just having a really hard time dealing with my kids growing up lately.
Brady just looks so big, and talks so much, does new things all the time. He is so smart and funny. And he is damn near potty trained and pees standing up! I am really proud of him. Evan is just such a big boy, funny, LOVES to eat! Sometimes he will eat more in a meal than Brady will! He is getting close to being able to walk. I am pretty sure he could he just knows it is faster to crawl. He is such a mommas boy. Big time. Clings to me like a little Koala-leach baby HAHA. I need to invest in a hip carrier because he is breaking my arm. he is 26 lbs now and that is alot to lug around

In other news I am having my Mirena removed on May 7. I think it is making me crazy. I am wondering if I really don't have PPD but that it is just my Mirena making me feel the way I do. I am hoping that I feel better after it is removed. Also that maybe I will be able to lose some weight because it is just stuck right now. I am dreading having to wear a bathing suit this summer because I look like total shit. If I could just lose some weight in my legs I would feel better. Thats the only place a bathing suit really can't hide.

Well my mind is racing most of the time lately so I am having trouble keeping this entry on track so I am going to end it. Here are some seriously adorable pictures of my kids....

OHHH!! AND THE PLAYROOM IS FINALLY DONE!! After almost 9 months of Aarons hard work it is finally done. Unfortunaltely I do not have before pictures on this computer but below are the after pictures also...

And the Playroom.... I have to say I am SO PROUD of Aaron. He did 95% of the work on this room entirely by himself. His dad and Pat helped with a few things. For those of you who don't know he completely gutted this room, tore it down to the studs. so everything you see is brand new
looking straight into the room from the doorway

Looking to the right from the doorway

the beautiful built in.

previous entry: I love my kids

next entry: Happy 1st Birthday Evan!!!

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He did a GREAT job! I was really emotional about my youngest turning one too... It's just sad, but great, to watch them grow up.

[*MonkeyLover*|0 likes] [|reply]

i duno im not going based by other families. im doing whats best for mine. shit i could re-call how i was raised and try to live my life based by that but i'd rather not. i wanna make my own way through life. my dad left when i was two and i never saw him again. my mom went through tons of guys and has been married 4 times. no guy will ever love my girls the way john does. i know that for a fact. he is a great dad. but yeah i dont go by others lives....just making my own decisions i guess

[Mamas☮MemoirsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

My kids growing up makes me sad too lol I also feel like my Mirena makes me crazy and is the reason I can't lose weight but I'm trying to hold out on it until at least next year cause then I don't care if I get pregnant again. The boys are so big and beautiful Your hubby did an amazing job on the room

[MaMa tO 2 MiRacLeSStar|0 likes] [|reply]


[*Amour De Bebe*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Okay.. I seriously don't know which is more gorgeous, the boys or the playroom!! LOL. I'm joking of course, the boys win everytime cuz they are gorgeous... but wow, you're right to be proud, I LOVE the built in shelves and stuff, it's gorgeous! I like how its mummy and daddys play room too lol.

I hope having the mirena taken out will help. Birth control can do crazy things to people.. after all, it's messing with what your body's supposed to do naturally, which messes with all the hormones too.. I have given up on the pill for various reasons too.

[supernova|0 likes] [|reply]

WOW he did great work!!! Does he want to come finish our basement for us? haha.
It is emotional to think of our kids growing up. I was dreading Jacob turning a year old but once he did it was like no big deal to me anymore. I don't know. Your kids are SO cute though!

[The Mrs. {+1}|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: I love my kids

next entry: Happy 1st Birthday Evan!!!

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