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In pursuit of happiness
by dreams.came.true

previous entry: Sigh

next entry: Lazy weekends and loud music

At it again


I had the opportunity to purchase a discounted rifle today at work. They posted a list of test rifles that were being made available to the Engineers, I was able to get my first choice. A Winchester Model 70 Featherweight chambered for .30-06. Based on the appearance of the bolt it hasn’t been fired much if at all, it appears to be a factory second. The cosmetic blemish that was identified was a small delamination in the stock where the front sling swivel was screwed in. I got it for about 25% of the retail cost for that gun, so I consider it an investment. I can always get my money back, and then some. Plus, I already have a scope to mount on it.

I broke down and bought a new iPod today also. Apple just lowered their prices through the online store and I had been looking to upgrade my ancient Gen1 Nano to one with more memory so I decided to go for it. I know it’s not the latest in “trendy” but I’ve never been a Trendinista anyway. I shop for my personal preferences but try to remain frugal as much as possible.

Who watched President Obama’s speech last night? The member of Congress who shouted, “You lie!” in the middle of the speech is none other than my own Congressman here in the Midlands of South Carolina, the Honorable Joe Wilson. While I don’t disagree with what he said I am very disappointed in his childish outburst. There is a time and a place for everything, it is never good for one’s cause to shout at the President of the United States while he is in the middle of a televised speech to a joint session of Congress. I expect he will be targeted for defeat in the next election cycle, I’m sure I’ll get sick of hearing about it between now and then.

previous entry: Sigh

next entry: Lazy weekends and loud music

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I came in right at that little outburst. I even said to Wayne...."I thought this was in front of the senate and/or represntatives.....not the general public." Who would have guessed our elected officals could be so childish.

[ddfrogerStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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