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In pursuit of happiness
by dreams.came.true

previous entry: Springtime

next entry: Hamless pigs, and other random musings

I shit you not


The TV news I watch in the evening has a segment every couple of days where a montage of all the new local births is scrolled while a voice-over reads the parents' names. The voice over is in the format of, "To [mother's first name] and [father's first name, if listed in the records], a [boy or girl]" Honest to Fred, one of the new mothers in today's readings was named Velveeta.

I had a decent weekend. I bought a couple of nice thick steaks Friday for Valentine's Day, to go with the card and chocolates that I also bought. I got up early Saturday, mixed up a marinade for the steaks, then completed and printed my taxes for mailing. When I returned from the post office I melted some butter in olive oil, added some chives and brushed it onto the outside of a couple of potatoes. Then I patted kosher salt on the outside and threw them in the oven to bake. At the halfway point I spread the charcoal and set the fire then cooked the steaks medium, about five minutes per side. When the steaks and potatoes were done I lightly buttered a pan and grilled some Texas Toast, it was a delicious meal!

Sunday was spent mostly relaxing and watching the race from Daytona. I felt just a bit under the weather, that feeling continued today. My wife's sick, I hope I don't catch whatever she has.

previous entry: Springtime

next entry: Hamless pigs, and other random musings

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