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In pursuit of happiness
by dreams.came.true

previous entry: Software

next entry: Armed

It's been a week


It seems I’m always trying to catch up.

I stayed home for New Year’s, it was rather cold (mid 40’s F) so we stuck around the house. We did go out to do the grocery shopping because the weather looked to be getting worse by the evening, that was a good decision because Friday it had begun to mist rain by lunch and by the time I got off work it was raining enough to be messy. The weekend was more of the same for both days, drizzly and wet although the temperatures were pretty comfortable.

The two pistols I purchased during the company “sell as used” sale back in November arrived today, I went down to Security and filled out the paperwork for them but the Director of Security hasn’t had the chance to run the paperwork through the BATF yet so I probably won’t get to pick mine up today. I had to go to Wal-Mart right after lunch, I was planning to pick up a box or two of .40 cal ammo for the FN Hi-Power but their ammo case was almost bare. They had a selection of deer rifle ammo, some shotgun shells, and a few boxes of 9mm but all the other ammo was gone. I’m not sure if they are planning to get out of the business or what. No matter, I was needing to order the 5.7X28mm ammo for the Five-seveN pistol so I’ll pick up some .40 caliber at the same time.

My training class in Santa Ana, CA was confirmed yesterday and we are all set to leave in about 12 days. I haven’t gotten my airline reservations yet but the company’s travel agency will be handling that. I’ll be out of the office for that entire week, I’m really looking forward to being back in Southern California again.

Hmm… It seems that the reason I haven’t written is that nothing of note has happened since the last time I wrote.

previous entry: Software

next entry: Armed

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