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In pursuit of happiness
by dreams.came.true

previous entry: CWP

next entry: At it again



I understand that some of my readers are uncomfortable with firearms. Maybe even personally opposed to them, under any circumstances. However, they remain not only legal to possess by an authorized and law-abiding citizen but in fact they are a fundamental right. I might disagree with the political and sociological beliefs of some of my friends but I don't go on their journals and chide them about those beliefs and I had hoped for the same consideration on my previous entry. I have one reader who I know is somewhat phobic and I try to keep that in mind when posting photos, beyond that I would ask my friends to keep in mind that firearms are not only legal for me to own and possess but they ARE also my livelihood.

I was a bit busier than I had bargained for on my three-day weekend. We drove to the other side of town to the nice mall on Saturday morning, I bought three long-sleeve shirts and a new belt then we ate lunch at Ruby Tuesday's while we were over there. Sunday was my relaxing day, we didn't really go anywhere but I did a bit of cooking. I prepared bacon cheeseburgers for lunch then I went out to get a couple of ingredients I was missing for a pound cake and baked the cake. While the cake was baking I put on a pork loin to smoke, it smoked for 6 hours while I watched the NASCAR race then just before I went to bed I removed it from the smoker and put it in a Dutch oven in the oven on 200F overnight. I got up this morning to pull it apart for sandwiches, it was perfect. Then I sliced some lettuce for garden salad, did some sanding on a model car project, mowed the back yard, cut down a small tree that is growing too near the house, disassembled and cleaned the carburetor on the gas trimmer, and found that it had some other issue with it. So I showered then checked Lowe's and the Home Depot and ended up getting a new one from Lowe's. Returned home and assembled it, but didn't use it since I had already showered. I'll probably run the trimmer and mow the front yard tomorrow after work, hopefully it will remain as cool as it's been for the past week.

Even after doing so much on my weekend it was still better than being at work...

previous entry: CWP

next entry: At it again

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i'm sorry people can't necessarily keep in mind that this is your diary, and not theirs. You sound like an awesome chef! I'm hungry now

[lady blackbird.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc;; you're right different countries have different laws, but quite honestly you shouldn't look to censor yourself in your own diary. Maybe if you were going into their diary to express an opinion about firearms and such, you'd be more diplomatic about your answer to them, but when you're in the comfort of your own diary, you shouldn't have to watch what you say.

[lady blackbird.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Just reading this entry drained my energy levels...

[Sensitive Girl|0 likes] [|reply]

Thankfully I've never had anyone give me problems when I post about guns or hunting.

[ddfrogerStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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