My boss handed me the keys to the Palace at the end of his shift with an added "don't lose This key or you are dead" -I hope I don't lose the key- the key for the dropbox that holds all of the deposits for the week. I know... it's not a big thing... but it's the only key I don't have myself.
It was a symbolic thing... as he leaves for a 2 week vacation to Germany with the Owner and 2 co-workers from different stores, I -a lowly sales associate- am left in charge of the store... My main goal for the next 2 weeks... "don't burn down the damn store"
This Marks the beginning of my new life. A life where I am choosing to become responsible... not only for my self, but for others as well. When he returns from his vacation, I will either be a quivering wreck or his new Assistant Manager. Personally, I think I want the latter, I could use the extra money. That, and quivering wrecks tend to pee themselves. Have managed to avoid doing that since I was about 5... don't really feel like falling off the wagon after 23 of dry pants. I've rather grown fond of it.
So here... is to my not burning the store down... I know it's Beer O'clock somewhere, Tip one for me, would you? |