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Alright Meow!
by *elle_bee

previous entry: 2.

next entry: 4. ~ Scariest moment ever!



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Today was even more uneventful than yesterday! I slept in until 12:00pm, then came onto my computer to fix up my iPod (all my music was lost when it was jailbroke).

Later on in the evening, mom and I went for a ride. We randomly decided to pick up my roommate from college, Benny, and take him for a ride with us, and ended up at our friends place. While mom sat outside with Donna, Benny, Mel and myself decided to hide inside away from all the mosquitoes.

While at Mel's, Ben and I heard that Mel's friend's cat had kittens, so we decided we were going to take one so we have a family pet for while we're in North Bay. [As a little aside, this year for school, I'm living with Benny and his brother, Nathan.] I told Benny the only thing is I want to name it so my cat isn't named something like T-Bomb Tommy or Lil W Jr. So, I decided that if we get a female, her name's going to be Athena and if it's a male, he'll be Titan. Opinions?


previous entry: 2.

next entry: 4. ~ Scariest moment ever!

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Aww i like the name Athena...its different! =]

[Vulnerable Beauty;;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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