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Ellie's Diary
by Ellie

previous entry: Four.

next entry: Six



Decided I should probably start writing in here at night rather then in the morning, because I'm sure it will be a lot more fun to read that way!! haha was honestly, rather dull. Played with the kidgets, which is alwayssss fun. Alex decided he wanted a mohawk. He's asked for one before, but, he's got a scar from ear to ear from a surgery he had as a baby (Saggital Craniosynostosis) so i'd kept telling him no. I guess I've kinda made peace with it now though, because, I pulled out the clippers and a razor, and did it He looks pretty damn cute with it, too, if I do say so myself. Guess I'll upload a before/after. Mind you, these are both phone pictures, so, excuse the shittastic quality.

I need to come up with something to do with my diary, here. Everything is so very blahhh...Not sure of just what to do with it though. We'll see - be prepared for some fidgeting over the next few days!! lol

Decided to put myself on a strict diet/exercise program. Should be interesting, to say the least. That means some days I will be cooking as many as three meals per meal! Hah. Gabby's got a very low sodium, heart healthy diet she sticks to. I try to keep the boys as "normal" as possible - they still eat healthy, don't get me wrong, but if they want a few cheetos or something...well, their body handles sodium and whatnot a lot differantly then Gabby's. I guess cheetos are a bad example seeing as how I was talking about things I cook...but whatever, haha. I'm tired, it's 12.31 am. And now, there will be mine, as well. Yay?? lol I have to be careful though, I've never had good luck with dieting. I have a history of eatting disorders and always seem to wind up slipping. HOWEVER, I've got modelling contracts to maintain. Which means the weight I have gained since my foot surgery, has GOT to go. And it also means I should probably invest in a scale. haha, and then I'm going to work out & head off to bed...


And After...........

previous entry: Four.

next entry: Six

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that is one awesome mohawk!

[valenciaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

omg hahahhaa Alex looks adorable with the Mohawk!

Good luck with the diet plan! I wish I had someone that lived near me that wanted to go on a diet, that makes it easier to lose weight having someone pushing you forward...going for walks, gym..etc. Do you have someone that can keep you motivated? Good luck with the meals and everythinggg

[.Jess|0 likes] [|reply]

I LOVE the mohawk!!!!

[Native.Mama|0 likes] [|reply]

I LOVE the mohawk!!!!

[Native.Mama|0 likes] [|reply]

lol yeah they are cute. you should get some!

[.Jess|0 likes] [|reply]

Its so cute!

[stressedmommaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Four.

next entry: Six

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