So thanks everyone for the welcomes n such. I forgot about all the niceness what floats around this website. Its nice. I mean there's the usual rudety with people who need an anger release but hey thats all cool.
Now. Time to vent.
So I'm a vegetarian in a very small town and I'm bout sick and tired of gettin crap from people. Last time I checked I was pretty sure I was a junior in highschool. But I guess for some people thats a little bit closer to kindergarden than what someone would think.
Part of me can't wait for all this to be over but at the same time I know better than to be so naive in thinking I won't miss highschool. I always hear * I can't wait to really start my life * well my life started bout sixteen years ago now I'm just waiting to make something out of it.
sarah, you mostly get crap because your loved. you're your own person and that's all that matters. just wait, you have your whole life for everyone to love you for who you are.