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.:*Faded*:.'s Diary
by .:*Faded*:.

previous entry: nojomo2

nojomo 3


NoJoMo day 3.

This bloop thing is driving me nuts. I love it, but i dunno why its not saving. It goes into the "drafts" I am doing it on time, but never gets posted on time. *sigh*

"If I could be a fly on a wall in a home?"
Good question. I always wanted to have invisibility and go any where I wanted. But just one home? Too hard, what if I choose that home and they aren't talking? I wasted my choice. I'd be mad!

"my worst fear"
Dying-death and spiders. So if I am going to die by way of a spider bite...I'll prob have a heart attack first!

previous entry: nojomo2

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*hugs ya tight*

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