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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara
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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara

previous entry: we have made very little progress towards being civilized, instead, in that time, we came up with better ways to become more barbaric.

next entry: well...

Is ignorance really bliss?


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previous entry: we have made very little progress towards being civilized, instead, in that time, we came up with better ways to become more barbaric.

next entry: well...

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[Girl_interupted|0 likes] [|reply]

I think it can be bliss sometimes. It really depends on what you are ignorant about. As a teenager and an adult, it is good to know what is going on in the real world, so that when you have to live out there independently, you know what's going on and it's not a huge shock. I know I was pretty sheltered as a kid and pretty naive. My parents didn't really talk to us a lot about world events and what it would be like out of school and out of home. So it was a shock when I did leave home!

[~ Wild One ~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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