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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara
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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara

previous entry: [Story] UntittledPrince II

next entry: Women of America [Edit]

la la la ....


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12in12-2011 & Writers Workshop[Private]

Sami entry.....

Last Week:My father hasn't given my mom a stright answer about moveing here. He did talk to Eric and Christine about it and he said that IF he did move here to help my mum with the bills, he going to harp on me about getting my lisence and he wants MY room [ to which christine said don't go saying your room and I said I would sleep in my own room if i had a bed I liked to sleep on] But she tried to convice me that refix "denny's" room but it smells. Anyway, I rather my dad would move here,that way I wouldn't have to move until Im married. My, mom said this weekend "I'm selling the house" as a fixer uper theres lots wrong with it in side and out and I'm not going to go into deail. I have this stupid fear that I posted on FB that if we move I'd forget my new adress ect. And forget my new place. She going to see what she gets from after the selling of the house to what where we go for the appartment. I hope it's a Cat frendly appartment. There wasn't much said after that. My mom can't affored the house anymore and even If I did get a job It woudn't help out that much.

This week:Eric called my mom a the beginning of the week and said that he will help get the house ready to sale. When my mum desdies but we have to do a few things first it's still going to be sold as a fixer upper but there are a few things that can be done. The second thing he said was to move not to an appartment but to move in with them. Here's the problem, Where we can say Christine's brother made a mess of it. Ruined it actually which was wrong of him so the addtion to Eric's house smells horrid. So when are they going to get the money to fix that up? Even if they file a civil suite (i think thats what is called) on Christine's brother... Honestly, I don't want to move in with them even back whent the thread of Eric loosing his house they didn't want to move here. It will take away mother and daughter reading time. The posstivies? I could help out Christine with the boys, help her around the house and dinner. Hopfuly Eric will find a job and [I finish Paraprofessonal program and get a job as a higher paying 'teachers aid"] my mom job we can help out with the bills, like morgage-evilness! electric, cable, oil, property tax whatever else there is in owning a house. I see a lot of neagive in it over the postive to be honest. Agueing, and buch of stupid stuff I kinda like the way things are just get a pet frendly appartment. Honestly when we do move and have things ready to tell the house which I think will be this summer or close to next year. I already figured out what I'm going to keep and get rid of.

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previous entry: [Story] UntittledPrince II

next entry: Women of America [Edit]

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how did you get the music player?

[I Fear Who I Am BecoStar|0 likes] [|reply]

wow pet friendly well at least around here there are tons of ones and places that like cats but not many that want dogs or large ones like my boys at all . I hope things will work out for the best with the living situations and all!

[JessbabyblueStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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