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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara
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A Rose Isn't a Rose Without It's Thorns
by �ara

previous entry: 12In12 2011

next entry: Made the Dairy...

Thinking...If Anyone is Intrested....


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12in12-2011 & Writers Workshop[Private]

Don't know if anyone would join in....

I'm thinking of making a writiers workshop type of storts on Bloop/ A writiters group. Anyone who wants to do writing excersizes, find websites that have "help" outline stuff to try out and to post our work on once a month or someting to help eachother in what we think. Perhaps cartique(sp?) one chose pice of work or something. Any ohter suggestions the 'group' has.

I don't know if I'm going to do it or not. I need enough people willing to join. I'm thinking more than 3 or 4 people.

classic layouts

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previous entry: 12In12 2011

next entry: Made the Dairy...

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I hope so! I still have to go to his site and message him, and see what happens. I wanted to get on earlier, but my internet is too slow right now.

And yes, it's an Irish ring. If I can remember correctly, the arms represent loyalty, the heart rep. love, and the crown rep. loyalty. I've always loved these rings since I was a buffy fan all those years ago and Angel gave Buffy his claddaugh ring XD


[[Cannibal_Carrots]Star|0 likes] [|reply]

im doing better thanks. I might be interested in the group not sure havent really written nething but like the diary thihg but worth a shot

[JessbabyblueStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I like the idea! I could join but not sure how much time i'll be able to put to it.

[Simply Rachel|0 likes] [|reply]

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