So my panick in the last entry was kinda sorted out- I spoke to my friends Steph and Bex, then spoke to Dave- and then realised- the person I have an issue with is Adam- why am I not speaking to him!!!???
Adam did his usual reassuring thing, and we talked a lot about my concerns etc, by the next day I was feeling good again and have seen him twice this week... I swear I need to create drama in order to be happy- is life as a drama teacher not enough?!?!?
Anyways tonight I'm supposed to be going out for drinks, but honestly I want to save my money, got a party tomorrow night and so I'm gonna be pretty broke this month... how do you say no to your best friend??!
Ok well it's Friday and I feel pretty good for once, got a meeting with my head teacher in a minute to discuss my future, woo!
love Fallen xxx |