Well, it has officially snowed for a couple of days, I was stranded last night due to the lack of heating and broken car- I met Brett's mum and his nan, it was interesting- nervously I chatted quite a lot (made myself seem ridiculously old, not cool)! I feel like I'm being a bit too clingy, relying on him all the time- he said yesterday that he's been the best boyfriend ever (I agree) so I need to do something back, his suggestions were sexual which is always good!
Basically, after finding out that he's only slept with one other person I am now on a 'get him permenantly excited' mission, and it's beginning to work!! I just hope that he doesn't think I'm sex crazed and that's it! So I now need suggestions on how to keep him from thinking I'm clingy and to just wanna see me (not that he doesn't, I just don't want to feel like I should suggest stuff a lot)!
He has suggested a sex day on Sunday, his mission- every room in every way- which to me sounds very good and promising!! Just got to keep him happy for that long, hehe
Love Fallen xxx
Would appreciat advise lol!