Well it's Friday and seeing as my main kids have gone on study leave I've literally had 1 revision session and I've done all I can... my year 9 reports, all of my marking and all of my lesson plans are done (up until the summer now), it's not even 12pm and I'm bored out of my brain.
Think I'm going to go up to London to meet Adam for lunch and they attempt a 3 hour work out at the gym, bit of toning, bit of cardio, a long swim with sauna and steam room and maybe even a sunbed session- a pretty perfect afternoon.
I'm more looking forward to the musical I'm in next week, my solo is sounding much better and people are starting to pull it all together, its giving me more confidence to say the least. But the Drama teacher in me wants to stand up and help direct as the acting is shoddy, people turning their back to the audience, not reacting etc, it's year 8 level Drama- not cool!
This weekend is going to be cheap due to being broke- seeing Jenny tonight for a proper catch up, we literally meet up once a month now which sucks, then Laura's coming over tomorrow for films and lunch, then I'm cleaning Adam's room (to teach him how clean I need his room to be in future lol) and we're out and about Sat night, I'm meeting his friends officially for the first time- this will be scary as I like to make a good impression- this combined with alcohol and craziness normally doesn't go down too well!
Sunday we have rehearsals and then basically I'm in the theatre every night next week, eating at my parents house so I don't have to buy food and then trying to save up for Rome in two weeks. A romantic holiday I think will be just the thing to switch my head off and start thinking with my heart- I'm still finding it hard not to be analytical etc, I suck"
Potentially found the ideal housing solution also- they're building flats on my old school ground- that place really is a second home, 14 years of my life were spent on site, wishing I never had to go home- so to be back in familiar surroundings would be a dream come true!
love fallen xxx |