Well- so far my resolutions are going well- I am definitely moving into Adam's sexy house in two weeks time (he's written up a tenancy agreement although I haven't signed it yet so I'm still a little nervous)!
I've started my brain training and sit ups etc daily, but still know i'm gonna need a lot more to get toned. Potentially the most exciting news is I have achieved my boyfriend aim- Brett and I went out on Friday night- he didnt like the food at Wagamamas (WTF) so I felt bad but then we went to Tiger Tiger which was brilliant. Nice people, good drinks, great music- my new fave place!
That night he stayed over and in my drunkness I asked him out officially!
Kinda sad that I'm not going to be living with Bex anymore, despite the occassional mess she's the best- we have so much in common- I'm hoping she'll get enough money to take the box room!
Holly from uni and I have been talking about an easter sun vacation, I'm so up for egypt again, to keep up the tan (thank you sunbeds) and also to completely chillax! We're gonna pack our bags and literally go online, find a last minute deal- and Fly!!
Anyways best be off, being at the parentals is already killing me,need a double bed, quiet talking- and some more skins fun!
Love Fallen xxx
This is a bad pic of me and Brett from last week- more personality than looks, I;m becoming a better, less shallow person!