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FearfulInk's Diary
by FearfulInk

previous entry: Bad day

next entry: Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 *X-Box 360*

Fake Family


The reason why this entry is called "Fake Family" is cause I was with a girl for 3 years, we had a son together, and we were happy. We had our fights, and mess ups but one mess up was to much to handle. I tried to see past it but it was just to much for my heart. So we broke up. 8 months now... Our son is 2 years old and he is a major blessing to me. I was not able to have kids from what a Doctor said to me. Now the girls family wants her to get full custody of him and get me out of the picture. She dont want to but I kno it will happen soon or later. I just dont really kno what to do anymore. I am sick of dealing with everyday life with ppl always talking crap. I try and try to make everyone happy but I am not even happy myself due to the fact that there are tons of ppl out there that don’t like me cause I am not with my baby mama or I am not what they want me to be. Well guess what ppl I am who I am. If you are not happy then I guess you are just going to have to deal with it cause I am not going to change for anyone but me.Call of Duty Black Ops 2.. X-Box 360.. FearfulInk.. Hmu..

previous entry: Bad day

next entry: Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 *X-Box 360*

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i'm sorry to hear that her family wants to make it so that you do not have custody. thats terrible especially because it really sounds as though you adore your son.

you have the right perspective in terms of not changing for anyone but you. it's not worth it to constantly attempt to please everyone else when you, yourself, are not even happy with life. do whats right for you and let everyone else percieve it as they choose to. as long as you feel you are doing what is right, then thats all that matters.

[Half way to Anywhere|0 likes] [|reply]

I wouldn't let anyone bully you into anything. Don't let them have there way. Your his daddy. Take charge. Make sure it doesn't happen. You have every right to be in his life.The state can help you fight back. I'm sorry to hear this. :/ I know its hard. Especially when you love your baby so much.
Don't worry about everyone else. Do you. Do what makes you happy. F*ck everyone else. Quit trying to please them. When you quit trying to do for everyone else and quit trying to please them the happier you will be.

[SusieQue.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Just because they try takin you to court for full costody doesn't mean she'll get it. As long as you pay child support, love your son, no drugs and have a job - there is no judge who'd take your son from you.

Good luck.

[A mother's journey*|0 likes] [|reply]

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