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Fez's Diary
by Fez

previous entry: Green Poop

next entry: The mizzez in bed...

Rude Blupe


I\'z affended withe blupe. Why duzent blupe helpe cater two us spanishe peoplez? Blupe muste be rasest? I trying zee best hur to mayke yu undrestande mi but iz harde owch hedache. My azs stile hurts frum hot sauce taco shits. I reek of it, taco bell no bueno no more agen!

previous entry: Green Poop

next entry: The mizzez in bed...

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Ahahaha Estella. This is too easy.

[Anonymous SourceStar|0 likes] [|reply]

No bueno!

[Fez|0 likes] [|reply]

yo hablo espanol y yo te entiendo. solo encontre tu Bloop esta noche. te agregue a mis favoritos.

[valerieeeeeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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