28 days, She'll be bleeding again; | 10/03/2009 |
Actually, I'm not. Blissfully late, Aunt Flo is. Only by a day, so nothing to get excited over. If we did succeed this cycle, well, that would be really really odd, because we completely missed the fertile window of this cycle. But then, ask Boudicca about that one... hehehe.
Honestly, I've done just about everything you are told by well meaning individuals when they know you're trying, "Stop stressing, it'll happen when it happens" -- which btw, I HATE that advice, right up there with "God has a plan" I also coincidentally gave away the large majority of my baby items, not that I ever really had a whole lot.... Left a few baby carriers that were my favorites, Seonig's Legacy Carrier, and a small box of my favorites of Brit's diapers, the ones I WON'T get rid of ever.
Other than that.... I was going to go into why less is more, and why you don't really need every last baby gadget that comes around, but I seem to have derailed my train of thought.
