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Finding Beauty In The Dissonance
by Burnt.Flowers.Fallen

previous entry: So this is christmas...

next entry: Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?"



.:Tick.Tock:. 1202
.:Munchin':. Just finished Subway for lunch... Still sippin on my Cherry Coke
.:Eargasms:. Christina Perri - Jar Of Hearts
.:Skin Covering:. Maternity Jeans, S' black Marilyn Manson shirt
.:Reading:. World War Z
.:Linkage:. If anyone wanted to get me a baby gift, this or this would not go amiss *giggle*
.:Current Projects:. Too Many to list

The Aftermath of Christmas... Santa hath cometh and lefteth... I got my own big christmas present, my Kindle, and that was about all I really wanted... Kidlet is still enjoying the hell out of her Leapster Explorer... I'm just patting myself on the back for the good deal I got on it...

She's back to school stuff today... We gave up on the Grade 2 Subtraction and Addition books, since she was taking all day long to get 1 page done, but clearly knew the work... So back to Saxon...

DH has a couple of free movie passes to Harkins... the catch is I can't use them to see anything in HD/3D, or new releases... and well, there is fuck all out right now...

This brings me to the "friendship baby quilt" idea... Anyone want to send me a 6" square either knit or crochet? any color, any pattern, the only caveat is that it needs to be washable yarn in worsted wt... acrylic is fine, cotton is fine, wool/acrylic blend is fine, as long as it is machine washable... For the design I want to do, which will be a crib sized quilt, I need 25 squares... then I will single chain them together and make a quilt for the baby...

[Radiant Designs |]

previous entry: So this is christmas...

next entry: Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?"

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pm me your address? I love this idea!! Also will you be having a mothers blessing? Could send you a bead at the same time.

[~*Pagan*~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

friendship baby the idea. if only I were craftsy!!

ok...I can usually decipher most anything phonetically, but tell are you prouncing the baby's name?

[*Stealth Bombshell*|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc..oh, ok! I've encountered quite a few Kaylee/Kaleigh/Kaley/Cayleigh/and every other way imagineable to spell that name, until now! very beautiful and unique!

[*Stealth Bombshell*|0 likes] [|reply]

How do you like ur kindle fire?!

[snapdragon|0 likes] [|reply]

[froggyfrogerson|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: So this is christmas...

next entry: Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?"

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