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I love Football!
by FootballFan
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I love Football!
by FootballFan

previous entry: Peyton Picks Denver

Football Season has started! FINALLY



Who will go to the Superbowl THIS YEAR!

Tonight I'll be watching my team!

previous entry: Peyton Picks Denver

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Football. OMG. Total zombie peole! lol

Thank you for your kind words. We found out what happend to my aunt and if she had just gotten a pacemaker 6-10 years ago this would have never happend.

My bio-dad died of an aneurysm, he was about 40 also. It just hasn't been a good few years. My mom aka grandmother's sisters all passted away one after the other.

[Caroline ♥|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: Haha yeah that's happened to me. But compared to Bloody Face, I'd rather have Rubber Man!!

[Moonlight Sonata|0 likes] [|reply]

I posted an entry about my fight with Sandy a few posts back. It's titled c-bag if you're curious.

She's just... ugh! I really wish I could beat the living crap out of her.


[Love, RebekahStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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