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I love Football!
by FootballFan
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I love Football!
by FootballFan

previous entry: thoughts

next entry: This Guy is Fast.

When do you stop becoming a "new diary"


Look I'm not a stalker. I'm not after anyone. I'm just a normal boring girl who loves football, and likes reading peoples' entries.

Sometimes I like reading certain peoples "train wreck" diaries. But its really annoying when I click on several peoples entries and "Im not allowed bc Im new"

Like take readers choice for example. I wanted to read what everyone thought was so amazing. But I couldnt. Because Im "new"??? For real?! Come on. (Im not talking about the recent one, it was a past one)

It's annoying. So when does a diary stop becoming "a new diary". Ive been here for over a month people. And Im not out to get or stalk anymore. Geez

previous entry: thoughts

next entry: This Guy is Fast.

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Really?? That's weird. I've been on bloop so long i don't think that was even a rule when i started on here. That's a stupid ass rule. Shouldn't matter if you're new or not you're still a functioning member of bloop, you should have access to any "members only" or "public" diary. That's dumb. Write Steve about it?

[Betch.|0 likes] [|reply]

a lot of people have that feature.. this person just has to write more and comment more.. and steve is the one that set up the trust system..

[Lunar FairyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

granted you've been here a month but how the "trust" system works is, you have to comment and make more entries..

and people have that "feature" up because they don't want like bots to spam their diaries, friends in real life might find them, or just some troll trying to scavage around to leave rude comments..

so please understand, no one thinks your a stalker.. its just the system that doesn't really trust you..

[Lunar FairyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

The show becomes absolutely epic.
Seaon 2 and now Season 3 get even better.

[Crixus|0 likes] [|reply]

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