![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
so i've been seeing quite a bit of the "i like it..." statuses about purses and having it relate to breast cancer awareness on facebook. some how. so this kinda pissed me off.
how the HELL does this help breast cancer? by posting some stupid status that in NO WAY informs people about breast cancer awareness? i really hate these fads on facebook. not only those but the copy pasta ones with -insert guilt trip here- and the classic "95% of people won't repost this". if you can repost are retarded copy pasta about something that pulled on your heart strings then you can google a charity that had to do with the fad and donate some money. or if not, post the link so others can. so on my facebook i posted a link to pick ribbon day in australia and donated $10, because that will help far more than some stupid shit on facebook. whoever came up with those things needs to be punched in the face. pink ribbon day - for aussies break through - for brits komen for the cure - for yanks so why not donate if you can, or spread these links and do that's ACTUALLY helpful? :) |
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
I dunno abt pink purses at least around here but safeway is having a raffle give away this month for donations a scooter or a moped (it looks like a mini motorcycle) its pink, some things here will say "if u buy this will donate 1 (or 2) dollars to breast cancer
I do get annoyed with "repost if..." its like umm okay but if its related 2 family like "husband week" that comes up 2 often I enjoy the cute sayin and shout out or if its abt my sister etc |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
it's not pink purses. it's women posting sexual innuendo about where they like to leave their purses. like, "i like it on the floor". it doesn't help breast cancer awareness and is just retarded in my opinion.
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
Oh gotcha - lol that is like SOOOOOOO. Oldddddddd that was played months ago and it started up again yeah no I ain't down for that but the bra was interesting cuz I got 2 c who's was what and I'm like "really?! Didn't think u would like that..."
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
In a sense it could. While it seems ridiculous a post like that could start someone asking questions. It's just something fun.
While I do agree that there could be more done, for me, it's hard to find an organization that I want to sponsor. Susan G. Komen I don't support, for my own reasons. So I think out of the box to find other organizations I can get involved with. Or I simply wear a pink ribbon. |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i just googled a few. i know it's hard to know if a charity is legit or not, which is annoying.
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
Gosh, is that 'I like it' thing supposed to be related to breast cancer? I did not know that. I thought it was one of those silly 'what colour are your knickers?' type things, aimed at confusing guys.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I agree. Although I hate October because I hate being reminded about breast cancer. I check my breasts, I don't need people irritating me for a MONTH about it. It's depressing! And it has totally ruined my second favourite colour for me because whenever I see the colour, I think CANCER. Le sigh.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
And I am surprised about those prostate cancer figures! Prostate cancer runs on my mom's side of the family; every single one of her uncles had it and most died from it. That should definitely be as prolific as breast cancer awareness, if not more so because men tend to avoid health problems more than women in my opinion!
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i already hate pink, so now i kinda feel like it's the cancer colour. and blue is the depression colour. sad.
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
Oh god I don't mind those things but if I get another freaking message about it.... lord. I've already gotten the exact same message like, 6 times, I don't need to see it again. I know what the damn status means. @_____@
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
...Pink purses = breast cancer awareness? What bright minds thought that up? :|
Yay for links, though! :D And for the people in the states - if you can't afford to donate, but have spare time - The Komen centers always need volunteers :D |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
someone sent me a message about it and i was like: "HOW IS THIS HELPFUL?" considering a whole bunch of stuff here is currently pink and reminding me nearly every day to donate [which i then forget] i thought i may as well do so now whilst i'm all rambly and feeling like i can do better than a status update.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Oh god, I know what you mean. I went to the mall today... friggen EVERYTHING is pink. Everything. It's like walking into candy land. I love it so much ;D
And my friend got me a giant pink cardboard ribbon. That things almost as big as I am. ;D |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
![]() raen Post Count: 79 |
That's what that was for? No one told me...I fail to see how that creates breast cancer awareness. We have a women's health fundraiser going on at my work called the Tree of Life. We raise money from September to October. It's pretty popular and we do it every year. I think people are tired of us asking them for donations, but it's for a worthy cause!
![]() Opie's Old Lady ![]() Post Count: 459 |
that's such b.s. the friggin emails that are sent say in them to not mention what is meant by "i like it on.....". granted i've done it because i have a few guy friends that get aggrivated by it cus they don't know what it means. but i fail to see how in the hell it brings awareness to breast cancer. totally not the business!!!!
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Lol, I'm amused by it because I got the email for it in like the beginning of summer.
They're so full of crap. |
![]() Opie's Old Lady ![]() Post Count: 459 |
so so so so true
![]() Sarah* Post Count: 63 |
I 100% agree. I am so fed up of seeing it all over facebook. I saw these statuses being posted for ages before I got an inbox message explanining what it was. I then thought the same as you &Skull... what the hell is this doing to raise awareness?! It's ridiculous.
Also agree about the stupid "95% won't repost" statuses. Each time I see it I rant inside my head WTFFFFF, this is doing naff all to raise awareness. It's also annoying when they say things such as "this week/month is such and such awareness week/month" and it's not even correct. Idiots, the lot of them :) |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
that's completely not the point. this may have been fun, but trying to attach it to a good cause when it does no good for it at all is retarded.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
@Ev: It's fine if you don't agree with it, but why publicly denounce it? People deal with things with humor. Three people in my life have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and the way we're dealing with the stress and the pressure is through humor. For instance, my girlfriend's mother got a kick out of my October layout. The fact that these women are starting with making that asshole Cancer look like a pussy bitch by bringing the humor out of it is completely fine by me.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i can publicly denounce it if i want. i don't find it humorous. it doesn't spread awareness, it only serves to confuse or annoy and does nothing to move apathetic people. people don't KNOW it's about breast cancer until they're TOLD. and after that do you think any of them will do anything to help fight cancer? no. they'll dismiss it as some stupid fad on facebook and some will wonder how it helps spread awareness other than "did you see that purse thing on fb?" "yeah it was supposed to be about breast cancer but i don't get it".
your layout is different because it actively gets people thinking about it when they see breasts, or the pink ribbons. sexual innuendo statuses don't do shit. if you think helping to fight cancer by posting stupid statuses on facebook helps then good luck with that. i'd rather give money and by products that make donations to the charities that actually do something to help. |
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
haha. ;-D Nope. None. No one is allowed to think in a fun manner, to speak in a fun manner, or to even write on their own facebooks in a fun manner!