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norway bombing/shooting.
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24 Jul 2011, 06:18
& skull.
Post Count: 1701

just seems kinda wrong to mention winehouse's death and not acknowledge 85 pre-teens being gunned down by a mental case.
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24 Jul 2011, 06:25
Post Count: 2651
Agreed completely. I posted the same observation on Facebook yesterday. It's a sad state of affairs when people care more about the death of one drug addict (even a very talented one) probably from drugs more than the massacre of 92 innocent people, mostly teenagers.
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24 Jul 2011, 06:52
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i'm glad they found the guy and that he didn't do this and then off himself, though considering how deluded he is it's not like he'll ever be remorseful.
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24 Jul 2011, 09:30
Lady Lazarus
Post Count: 126
Agreed. I logged onto facebook last night after work to dozens of Amy Winehouse posts and not one about the Norway shooting...
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24 Jul 2011, 21:44
Post Count: 2651
It's both devastating and terrifying that this happened. They're putting the death toll at 98 now. I was reading more today... For 90 mins he walked around the island to find those who were hiding. He would shoot them as they ran... And then shoot them in the head afterwards to be sure. Apparently one group of 6 teenagers were running away, and they split up in opposite directions, knowing half of them would likely die... Three of them survived but heard their three friend's being shot dead.

And these were innocent kids. I just can't get my head around how someone could be so evil.

Let this be a warning to countries with soft gun laws though (Norway as a country big on farming and hunting apparently has few restrictions on the ownership of firearms). This man may well have hurt people regardless, but with those guns in his hand those kids were helpless... Running or swimming away could not save them.

The other thing that angers me is that under Norwegian law his maximum prison sentence is likely to be 21 years. This man should NEVER get out, but he could be out before he turns 60.
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25 Jul 2011, 11:43
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
After 21 years, if he is still considered a danger to society, they can add 5 years to his sentence. They can keep doing this indefinitely. It really pisses me off that the media have barely mentioned this.

However, their re-offending rate is 20%, ours is 50-70%. This is because they focus on rehabilitation. I doubt he could ever be rehabilitated but perhaps we could learn a thing or two?
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27 Jul 2011, 04:05
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
Oh yes, the inevitable, "gun control needs to be stronger in all countries because of this event."

The violent crime rate is higher in the UK than in Switzerland. Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership rates of any country. The UK has one of the lowest. Obviously stronger gun control in the UK is preventing violent crime better than in Switzerland.
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27 Jul 2011, 06:04
Post Count: 2651
Ah, the inevitable attempt to claim gun crime and "violent crime". Most violent crime in the UK is knife crime (also mostly drug/gang related) And unlike a gun, a knife does not have the potential to kill 80 people in a 90 min period. Tight gun laws may not reduce violent crime rates, but they do reduce the potential for mass murder.

Why don't you tell some of the families of the victims in Norway that it's OK this guy was able to buy all those guns and kill off those 80 innocent people (mostly young people) because at least their overall violent crime rates are low?
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27 Jul 2011, 06:05
Post Count: 2651
That should say to claim gun crime and violent crime are the same thing.
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25 Jul 2011, 07:16
Post Count: 252
Wow this is just sad. My heart goes out to their families.
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25 Jul 2011, 14:23
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
I've been following this in the SMH since day one. Absolutely crazy stuff. Terrible and awful thing for people to go through - victims and families alike. =(

And it is incredible that Norway is such a peaceful, (relatively) crime-free place that their maximum jail sentence is 21 years. I wonder if they'll rethink that for this guy?
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25 Jul 2011, 18:11
Post Count: 283
@Lithium Layouts: They'll probably get a few laws changed before they take him to trial ;D
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25 Jul 2011, 18:12
Post Count: 283
It makes me sad that this is such a brushed-over thing here. I've read more about this on Bloop than I have on Facebook, or even seen on TV.
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25 Jul 2011, 21:19
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
I agree Jellz! I've head more talk of this on twitter than anywhere else. I haven't watched the news so I wouldn't know if there were talkin about it or not.

What happen in Norway is a tragity!! Those people were just enjoying camp.. Then some stupid ass psycho had to go on a rampage. That's so sad :(
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25 Jul 2011, 21:53
Post Count: 1779
The BBC have had nonstop live coverage of it on their website.

But realistically, on social networking sites, where people post quick, short, light things, people are way more likely to post about a celebrity death, which is easily chatted about, than killings which are so incomprehensible and horrific that there are really no words. 'Gosh, I'm so shocked at the Norway killings' would sound like a facile understatement, but 'Gosh, I can't believe Amy Winehouse is dead' is more appropriate, somehow. What people post about on FB is not necessarily a reflection of their priorities in life!
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25 Jul 2011, 23:10
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
I assume we've heard more about it because Norway is pretty close to the UK, but I guess to people in the US it must seem like a world away. It's bad that you've had so little coverage of it though.
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27 Jul 2011, 08:23
Post Count: 1779
@Acid Fairy Actually, yeah, that's what they kept saying on the BBC - that it was especially tragic because the Norwegians are our neighbours. I actually thought that was a bit odd - the idea that something is more tragic if it happens in a country that is relatively close in proximity. But I guess it takes priority in BBC news - tragic deaths happening in countries further afield are not getting the top headline space. Like Pakistan - surely in a way that is closer home to the UK, considering we have a lot more Pakistani people in the UK than Norwegian people.
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26 Jul 2011, 03:02
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i saw it on yahoo. i don't watch tv so that's mostly where i've been seeing it come from.
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27 Jul 2011, 08:47
Post Count: 1096
The death toll has now been lowered 76 to as during the commotion some people were counted twice, still though there are people missing and it is unlikely they will be found alive
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